iPhone Apps to help you celebrate New Years Eve!


Oh, Hi New Years Eve!


In case you weren’t aware, the biggest party of the year is just around the corner! Here at iPhone Antidote we are always wanting the best for our valued customers, and right now that means preparing you to party! We’ve got everything covered in apps to help make your New Years Eve a memorable one.


Countdown– The most important part of the party- the countdown of the last moments of 2012, and with everyone looking forward to 2013 ( and the kiss at midnight!) with hope and joy.


We suggest you check out Countdown Timer Pro– A simple countdown app that also includes an animated NYE time-zone map that lets you see when midnight is rung in all over the world.


The first ever Times Square New Years Ball Drop App looks great. You can customize your own countdown with your time-zone and a selected photo, take part in the official Times Square countdown and even have your face projected onto the Toshiba Vision Sign and send NYE themed e-card to friends and family.


Fashion– You have to look good for NYE, I think we can all agree to that, and here are the apps to help you look your most attractive, sparkliest self.


Trendabl is like social networking for your clothes- you can upload photos of yourself in your outfit options and get expert and random objective advice. ‘Go try it on’ is good for this as well. ASOS and Shopstyle are the go to shopping apps if you think you have time!


Fireworks– If you aren’t in a position to be outside enjoying fireworks, or don’t enjoy crowds, this app if for you. Flashmob New Year’s Fireworks lets you enjoy New Years Eve firework celebrations from all over the world including major landmarks including Sydney Harbour Big Ben, and the Eiffel Tower.


Transport- Make sure you guys are safe this NYE and have your transport options sorted out for getting home on New Years Day! Download the transport app for your town’s network to make sure you can work out what’s going on with going home- no matter how many drink’s you’ve had! If you optimistically drove somewhere and then realized you forgot you were going to drink on NYE, try StearClear. They’ll send a team of two to wherever you are, one to drive you home, the other to drive your car home.


Alcohol – If you’re out and looking for a good bar, Scenetap say that they can tell you how crowded a bar is- what the gender ratio is and the average age of the clientele- mainly focused on Chicago, SF and college towns. If you’re at home, try Mixology– an excellent assistant to cocktail making, even making suggestions based solely on what you have in the cabinet. Drunkguard is a quality app for keeping you safe and out of trouble- it helps you estimate your blood alcohol level (only estimate though- don’t drive if you’re even close to the illegal level), keeps your from drunk-dialing, drunk texting and drunk tweeting.


Resolutions – Now, the serious part of New Years Eve. Everyone likes to dabble or fully immerse themselves in the idea of Resolutions. Most of these will have to do with fitness, money, career or Love. To help you keep these wonderful promises to yourself, we suggest the following apps.


For healthMy Fitness Pal, or, for the smokers, Livestrong Myquit Coach.

For moneyMint to keep a track of money going in and out and helping you to save.

For career- Business Building Secrets, Evernote for organization, and CareerBuilder for those looking to switch careers.

Lastly but by no means least, Love. Here are some apps to help you step out and find that special someone in 2013! Give these a try- OkCupid, How about We, or Are you Interested?


Wishing you all a safe and Happy New Year From all of us at iPhone Antidote!

Who got an iPhone 5?

Now that you have a new iPhone, Sell Your Old iPhone!


Who got an iPhone 5 today? Who got any new iPhone? Lucky bastards!


Well, here’s a way to earn good karma, give back to the world, and earn some sweet cash on top of it all.


Recycling your stinky old iPhone with the iPhone Antidote is the best way to sell your old iPhone, no matter what condition it’s in. We accept broken, water damaged, cracked, used and new iPhones, and with quote prices guaranteed, we offer you 40% more money for your iPhone than the nearest iPhone buyback program on the Internet.


We’re a fast and  reliable company  that is interested in creating the best possible experience for our valued customers. We want to give you cash, and we want to do it easily and quickly.


So what are you waiting for? Simply go to our quote page, fill in the details of you old iPhone, print off a shipping label, and send it in to us. Sit around and play with your new iPhone 5 for a few days (bastard) and then go spend your cash! Go! Seriously, dude… go.



Google Maps for iOS


If you weren’t aware from the very loud sighs of relief from Apple customers worldwide, Google Maps for iOS was finally released Wednesday night.


Whilst Apple are still working on repairing their somewhat faulty version, Google has reworked their maps app for the iOS release so that it is remarkably different from the version we have known before (and the android version).


The new version can be used on all iPhones starting from the 3GS, an iPod Touch fourth and fifth generation, or an iPad running at least iOS 5.1 (although on the iPad you will be using the iPhone version).


When you start to use this version, it will ask you to sign in to your Google account. If you do this, the app has numerous additional extras you can utilize, but it is not necessary in order to use the app.


Let’s say you do log in, you now have the ability to recall all your previous searches (including trips looked at on separate devices), and have access to shortcuts to the addresses of your home or work. Nice.


After you make the choice of logging in or not, you’ll come to the main maps screen. A clean, nice looking interface with the search bar at the top, a directions button and a profile button on the top right, and a location icon on the bottom. To the right is a button made up of three dots, when swiped or clicked, it produces a screen that lets you choose traffic, public transit, satellite or Google earth mode.


The profile button is where you’ll find you’re saved shortcut addresses and all your previous saved searches (which you can also edit and delete at will).


Now to the important part: Searching. When you search for a business, each matching result will be represented by a red dot- tap on a specific red dot and the name of the business and the approximate time to that location by navigation will appear. You can swipe left to right to get to the next venue, and information about each venue will appear at the bottom of the page – information such as reviews, website, and the ability to call them or save the address.


So, you’ve found we’re you want to go, or you just want to go to a specific address. Here’s the other important part- navigation.


From the original main maps page, you can click on the navigation icon in the search bar. If you have already searched for a business or location, you can click on the transport icon down the bottom right of the page, it will ask if you want to go from your current location (change if you don’t). Pick the best option for you – you also have the option here to avoid highways and tolls by clicking ‘route options’- click start, and voice and map instructions will begin.


The app will continue to instruct you even when the phone has locked, but if need be, you can turn off the voice instructions and change the map into a list in settings.
One last cute Gimmick- shake the phone when you’re using Google Maps, and a screen appears asking you for your feedback.


Google Maps is back for iOS users. It looks good, it looks useful, so let’s see how this plays out, especially when Apple re-release Apple Maps… Should be an interesting match.


Google Maps for iOS available now for free in the App store.

Christmas Apps!


Hey Guess what? It’s Christmas!! Whether you’ve been dreading it or shave been dying to be amongst the tinsel, trees, gifts and all things Rudolph, we have some iPhone apps to help you out this festive season! See below for the best useful, fun, silly and magical Christmas apps.


Cards from Apple. Everyone likes Christmas cards! Create custom Christmas cards with their pre-built templates and photos from your iPhone, and address them using the contacts in your address. (Free)


Amazon.com. If you, like most I imagine, haven’t prepared your gift purchases in advance, or you just like getting your Christmas shopping done in one sitting without the crowds, the obvious answer is Amazon. Cheap, quick, and easy. December 19th is the last day to buy presents delivered before Christmas.


Christmas Countdown Recipe’s
With almost 210 easy but impressive Christmas related recipe’s available, a easy to use shopping list, nutrition tips, photos of each dish and the ability to share through social media, this is the go to Christmas recipe app. Free.


Sleeps to Christmas.  Simple but exciting for the kids and the young at heart. A countdown to the second for Christmas day with some Christmas animations and songs to accompany. Free.


Sing Along Christmas Carols
Christmas Carol karaoke anyone? For family, party or bar-time fun. Everyone likes a Christmas carol! Free


Trade Nations: North Pole
Create a Santa’s workshop to make presents, complete with elves as cobblers, wood carvers and present wrappers. A really nice way to pass the time and keep in the spirit. Even better -if players fill the present meter and create enough presents to reach their goal, the creators will donate $15000 to Child’s Play, a charity that improves lives of children in hospitals throughout the world. Free


Elf yourself is a classic, bound to make all ages laugh. Take a photo or use one from your phone’s photo album, the app puts your face onto an elf, and makes it dance to silly Christmas songs. Free ( more songs available for a fee).


Gangnam Santa Booth
Similar to Elf Yourself , and very silly for the silly season- Do just as above, instead your face goes into a Christmas themed Gangnam style dancer.


Christmas!! This all-encompassing app has everything you might need for the season- present lists, games, wallpapers, advent calendar with secrets you can unlock each day, a small selection of Christmas songs and a countdown. For the Christmas spirited. Free.


Talking Santa
A great app for the kids who can talk with Santa and have him repeat what they say. There is a really nice option to make videos of Santa saying a special Christmas message and send it via email, text or facebook, or just replay it for the kids on Christmas eve/day as a special surprise. Free.


Happy Holidays! May Santa get you all the iPhones you wanted- and don’t forget to send us your stinky old one’s in the New Year!!

iPhone Antidote 2012 Holiday Gift Guide


Here’s a list of awesome gift ideas for your loved ones just in time for Christmas! From the cheap and cheerful to the truly luxurious, for kids all the way to grandparents, we think we’ve got everything covered for gifts in the iPhone world! Merry Christmas!


1. The good ol’ fall back stocking stuffer- the iPhone case. For this year’s version, we suggest going to zazzle.com or vistaprint.com and ordering a custom iPhone case, perhaps with a picture of your smiling face on the back… or for something more ingenious, try for a picture of the side of your loved one’s face, so when using it, their phone will look see through…


Alternatively, you can go for something a little bit more… flashy, perhaps something you wouldn’t stuff into a stocking. Introducing the worlds most expensive iPhone case- designed by UK brand Uunique, who claim that it’s London Lotus iPhone 5 Case is the most expensive on the market. At $302,985, I bet they’re right.


2. Another stocking stuffer, but more of the necessary ‘school shoe’ type. If you don’t know what to get someone, and you don’t really like them that much- get them some iPhone lightening to USB cables. $19. Super… useful.


3. For the reader in the family, sign them up for some audio books. Go to audibleshopnow.com to sign them up, and they get two free audio books of their own picking, plus whatever book you want to pony up the cash for. If they can’t handle people speaking books at them, buy them some books on iBook for their idevice.


4. The gift of music. Music is the soundtrack of our lives. It creates moods, aids memory, allieviates boredom and enhances life events. It can also be a whole lot of fun. For the gift of music, buy them a Pandora gift card, or an iTunes gift card.


Pandora Internet Radio is a service that recommends and plays music based on the user’s selected preferences through any computer or idevice. A one year subscription for Pandora is $36 www.pandora.com/one/gift


Giving an iTunes gift card means your loved one can buy the tracks and albums they really want. You can buy these online over here or at many major shopping outlets- you may want to look around too, as you can often get great deals on these if you buy multiple.


5. Headphone splitter. A very small gift, capable of bringing so much joy. Have you ever needed to share something with a loved one, friend or work colleague in a public space? Ever wanted to watch a TV show in an airport? At school/work? Ever need only the two/three/four of you to hear? The headphone splitter is tiny little gadget gold. Buy one for your girlfriend with a DVD copy of that show you don’t want people to know you watch together. Less than $5 at Radioshack.


6. Speaking of headphones– another excellent Christmas Present. The two top picks from us are; Skull Candy Heavy Metal and BeatsByDre.

For Skull Candy , not only are the Heavy Metal earbuds a very decent, sexy product, all Skull Candy earphones and headphones come with a lifetime warranty, so you’re effectively buying your loved one headphones for life. Right now you can get 50% MSRP by entering the coupon code REDBULL50 at checkout. www.skullcandy.com


If you want to go for a more professional sound quality and have a little more cash up your sleeve, we recommend BeatsByDre headphones. With a range from Wireless to Studio, the listening pleasure is guaranteed with these bad boys. www.beatsbydre.com


7. For the times when headphones aren’t needed, you can give the gift of music OUT LOUD! Good speakers are invaluable and make for a great Christmas present. Our recommendations are on the cute, cheaper side and the slightly more expensive, quality side. How much do you really like them??
For cutesy, go for the Deadmau5 MP3 Speaker from Urban Outfitters. Damn Cute. $35.
For quality, sophistication, and ease of use, try Jambox- either the original or the big Jambox. Also not bad looking, this speaker is wireless, can be used with any of your devices capable of Bluetooth and produces amazingly pure sound quality. They come in multiple colors and you can buy them from multiple retail stores such as Costco, Fry’s, Best Buy, Staples or Radioshack. You’re looking at about $150 for the original, smaller Jambox.


8. If a friend or family member is obsessed with Draw Something or similar game on iPad or iPhone, or simply prefers the antique skill of handwriting, a shiny new Stylus is a perfect present for them. The best one in our opinion for design, precision and overall quality is the Hand Stylus, available as of Sept this year. Go to www.handstylus.com. $29.95


9. Christmas time means snow! Snow means everyone having one freezing cold hand whilst they use their iPhone for updating that all important Facebook status right? No! Staaahp! Get a friend some Touchscreen Gloves and they’ll have two cosy hands all winter long! Best to get are Mujjo Leather touchscreen gloves, $168, second best are Mujjo Knitted touchscreen gloves for the more acceptable price of $32, orrrr, go to the national deals section of livingsocial.com and get some very respectable ( but perhaps not as warm) Sol and Oscar touchscreen gloves for $21.00.


10. For the friend that loves to use the Camera on their iPhone or iPad, the Griptight Gorillapod tripod for iPhone is a perfect present. Making their iPhone completely stable for that crucial photo taking moment, giving them the ability to set the tripod up on any surface, and giving them the opportunity to be all that much closer to taking the perfect iPhone picture. Or selfie. $30 from www.joby.com ( Currently Free US Shipping).


11. So you got your brother/sister the Tripod, and they’re happy as Larry taking photos. How about you ingeniously join presents together by theme, and get Mom and Dad a photo printer or Digital photo frame, so they can enjoy their progeny’s genius photography? Hammacher Schlemmer sell the The iPhone Photo Printer and the Wireless Smartphone Photo Printer, both of which print out extraordinary quality 300 dpi resolution photos (without ink cartridges), the second with the added bonus of not having to plug your iPhone in to the printer. The first is $159, the Wireless version $219. Take a look. http://www.hammacher.com/product/79938


12. Something for the Chef’s in the house. The iGrill oven Bluetooth thermometer is a digital thermometer that can be connected to any Bluetooth-enabled device, and enables the user to set a timer, view the current temperature in the oven, and look up recipes online. Sweet. $80. http://store.igrillinc.com/


13. If you’re someone who has to make sure the four legged members of your family get presents under the tree, this might be something less tasty but more useful than the usual bones and cat treats. The Tagg GPS Pet Tracker is a waterproof GPS-powered collar so that if they ever go missing, you, or someone in your family can check the Web-based map and know exactly where Scruffy got off to. $99 for peace of mind.


14. This one… Well, this gift idea might just have to be for yourselves, kids. Or me. It’s pretty damn awesome. The Logicom SPY-C Tank.


A futuristic tank. Tick. Moveable camera. Tick. Controllable from any iOS or Andriod device. Tick. It’s own wifi hotspot allowing you to control it both indoors and out. Tick. Night vision mode. Tick. Walkie Talkie Capability. Tick. The Spy-C tank will even let you record videos and upload photos via email or various social networks once they have been saved to your device. Santa… Hey Santa…you there Dude? I… I have a question…


15. And last but not by any means least, Apple. D’uh. If you have the cash, spread the Apple joy this Christmas! Of all the products, we think that the iPad Mini or Macbook Air would be most welcome under the Christmas Tree. Both are long serving gifts and both have the ability to help the new owner improve their lives through the magic of technology. iPad Mini starts at $329 and Macbook Air 11 inch starting at $999.


Merry gift giving and the happiest of Holidays Kids!