Sick of videos on Facebook automatically playing in your feed? Maybe because your cell phone bill is being eaten up or it’s making you re-think why you’re even friends with some people on Facebook? Or maybe it’s cool but it’s just annoying to be played something without your specific consent?
We got you! You can prevent most of the above from happening! Here’s how:
On your computer, click on the down arrow on the top right of the FaceBook menu bar. Scroll down to Settings. Once in the Settings page, click on ‘Video’s on the bottom of the left hand column. There you can toggle the auto playing feature off.
On your iPad or iPhone, Facebook won’t let you turn off video Auto-play completely, but you do have the option to make it so that videos only automatically play in your Facebook feed when you are connected to WiFi, so it won’t affect your cell phone bill.
Go to the Settings app on the home screen of your iPhone or iPad. Scroll down on the left hand side until you find Facebook. Click on it and once in the Facebook section on the right hand side, click on Settings. Look for the third option down, under Video, where you can toggle on the option to auto-play on WiFi only.
You’re welcome.
The long beloved video calling company Skype has now made itself even more lovable by making it’s group video calling feature FREE for users on Windows desktop, Mac and the Xbox one- with the promise of support for additional devices coming soon.
Straight from the sauce:
“Skype is proud that, since our beginning, we’ve created opportunities for people to communicate freely and easily, no matter where they are; from keeping in touch with remote family members or calling home when traveling to chatting daily with your close circles of friends. While Skype is known for one to one video calling, we know it’s also essential to connect with the groups of people who matter most, whether friends, family or colleagues. For the last few years, we’ve offered group video calling to Premium users on Windows desktop and Mac and more recently Xbox One. Today, we’re excited to announce that we’re making group video calling free – for all users on these platforms. And, in the future, we’ll be enabling group video calling for all our users across more platforms – at no cost.”
How sweet is that!
We love free things! Especially free things that makes it so we can see all of our lovely friends/colleagues in one place even though they may be in, like, 5 places! The world’s a changin!
If you don’t haveSkype yet, all you needs to do is hop on over to their website and download it! It’s free! ( You’ll also need a webcam, a microphone & OS X Snow Leopard or above for Macs. )
Images courtesy of Skype & memegenerator
Do you have an iPhone that has a broken wake/sleep or home button and it’s not covered under warranty?
We got you!
You have 2 options.
1. If you’re not ready to sell your beloved iPhone, or get it repaired for a silly amount of money, there’s a software solution for your broken buttons!
Go to Settings>Accessibility>Assisted Touch>Switch to On.
Now you’ll see a floating button on your iPhone screen that can act as both the wake/sleep button, volume buttons, and the home button. It can peform functions such as waking the device up, making it go to sleep, taking photos, screenshots, etc. It looks like this:
The other option?
2. Go to to sell your stupid broken iPhone with it’s stupid broken buttons to us for CASHMONEY in the easiest and fastest way ( in the known galaxy at least) and use that CASHMONEY to get a shiny new phone!
We like that option.
mages courtesy of &
Tags: Broken Button, Sell my iphone, Sell Your iPhone, Tips & Tricks
Apple, Cool Features, iPhone, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, Tricks, Upgrades | iPhone-Antidote |
April 28, 2014 12:14 pm |
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Has the sleep/wake button on your iPhone 5 stopped working? Thought it was a lost cause? There might be some hope yet!
Apple has released a statement to The Loop regarding a recall of some iPhone 5 models because of broken sleep/wake buttons, which means if you are one of the device owners affected- you could get it replaced for free.
Here’s the lowdown-
You’ll need to enter your iPhone’s serial number here to see if your device is one of those affected by the recall.
If your phone is affected and you want to get it fixed for free ( duh) you can bring it to any Apple Retail Store or Apple Authorized Service provider. Your device will have to be sent away to an Apple repair centre to be fixed, however it is believed that for the interim some Apple stores are lending customers iPhone 5 16Gb models. You can also mail your device directly to the repair centre if you’d like.
According to Apple your device will take 4-6 days from the time it is received until it is returned to you, and all customers should back up all their data and erase all content and setting before sending it in to get fixed. All devices that receive a new sleep/wake button will be updated to iOS 7.
If you’ve got an iPhone 5 that is affected by this recall and you’ve already paid for an out-of-warranty replacement, you should contact an Apple customer service rep to ask for a refund.
This recall and placement program will be effective for 2 years after the initial retail purchase of your device.
According to some reports there are stores that are offering customers affected by the recall a $350 upgrade credit for a new device, but you must specifically ask for it, your phone must be in perfect condition other than the sleep/wake button, and it’s of course not guaranteed.
By the way, why doesn’t Apple have a cooler name for that button? Writing sleep/wake button over and over has cemented the fact that it’s a pretty stupid name. It should be called, like, the enforcer button or something. Just saying, Apple.
Good luck Guys! Let us know how you go if this recall applies to you!
Image courtesy of Techcrunch
Tags: Broken, iOS 7, iPhone 5, recall, Replacement program, Upgrade, Wake/sleep button
Apple, Cell Phone Carriers, iPhone 5, iPhone Data, Make Money, New Releases, Security, Upgrades | iPhone-Antidote |
April 27, 2014 10:25 am |
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Since April 16th people who have devices running iOS 6 have been experiencing difficulty using FaceTime. Apple changed their troubleshooting page to advise updating devices to the latest operating system, but it was thought that the issue would be fixed after a short period of time.
Unfortunately kids, it appears we are just not that lucky. Apple today released a new support document advising that the problems people are experiencing with FaceTime are due directly to a bug which has resulted from an expired device certificate.
No good.
If you are on of those people experiencing the problem, then the only way you can use FaceTime is to update your operating system to the latest version that your device is capable of running.
If your device is capable of running iOS 7 it must be upgraded to iOS 7.0.4 or later, however if your device is incapable of running iOS 7 ( like the iPhone 3GS), you must upgrade to iOS 6.1.6.
Here it is direct from the sauce:
“If you started to have issues making or receiving FaceTime calls after April 16, 2014, your device or your friend’s device may have encountered a bug resulting from a device certificate that expired on that date. Updating both devices to the latest software will resolve this issue.
If you’re using iOS 7.0.4 or later or iOS 6.1.6, this issue doesn’t affect you.
If you’re using these versions of OS X or FaceTime for Mac, this issue doesn’t affect you:
– OS X Mavericks v10.9.2 or later
– OS X Mountain Lion v10.8 with the latest security updates
– OS X Lion v10.7 with the latest security updates
– FaceTime for Mac version 1.0.5 or later for Mac OS X v10.6
While FaceTime does work with iOS 6.1.6, that particular update is not available to recent devices that are able to run iOS 7, which means iOS 6 users with newer devices who wish to access FaceTime must upgrade to iOS 7.”
So… Happy upgrading? We guess? For reals though, it actually is a pretty nice iOS, even though the changes might look a bit scary. Check out our iOS 7 article here. You knew you had to do it eventually, right? Right? … FaceTime Shots Anyone?
Tags: Apple, FaceTime, iOS 7, iPad, iPhone, Support, troubleshooting, Upgrade
Apple, Apps, iPhone, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, Upgrades | iPhone-Antidote |
April 24, 2014 11:37 am |
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According to a recent United Nations report, more people have mobile telephones than have access to a flushing toilet.
Six of the world’s seven billion people have mobile phones – but only 4.5 billion have a toilet, according to the report.
Unfortunately there are huge health consequences to not having access to basic sanitation such as a flush toilet, but there is also huge infrastructure and costs associated with such systems which people tend to rely on the government to provide – and that isn’t possible in some countries around the world currently.
The UN understands the gravity of such a huge problem and have launched a global campaign to improve sanitation for the 2.5 billion people whose health is at risk.
Go here to read more and find out how you can help! And if you’re reading this on your smartphone whilst engaging in some rad flush – toilet action, pat yourself on the back, you’re one of the really lucky ones.
If you’re running iOS 6 on your iPad or iPhone, you may have noticed that you’re currently unable to FaceTime. According to a report on Macrumors, multiple people running iOS 6 have encountered the problem and Apple has updated it’s troubleshooting page specifically to advise upgrading to the latest iOS as the number 1 step.
Users who have complained directly to Apple have also been advised to update their iOS as the first troubleshooting step, however it is acknowledged among the tech community that the problem should be a temporary one.
If you don’t want to update your device to the latest iOS, you shouldn’t have to, unless you NEED to do FaceTime shots/ show babies to someone IMMEDIATELY. Or REALLY SOON.
We totally understand that need, by the way and we plan to be doing one of those today, so we’ll use an ioS 6 device and keep you guys updated as to if and when the issue appears to get fixed!
Images courtesy of &
Tags: FaceTime, iOS 6, iOS 7, Issue
Apple, Apps, iPhone, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, Tricks, Upgrades | iPhone-Antidote |
April 19, 2014 1:22 pm |
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Well kids, you’re in luck!
For one day only, on April 15th, Google will be selling their most anticipated wearable tech product to any adult over 18 living in the United States ( sorry everyone else in the world).
Go here now to sign up for a reminder to purchase, and go here to read more from Google themselves about the opportunity to purchase Google Glass.
The chance to buy is limited, and it will cost you $1500 + tax, so get in quick if you want to be super cool like this:
Image courtesy of
Apple’s annual World Wide Developers Conference dates have been announced!
This year the conference will run from June 2nd through to June 4th, and developers have had the opportunity to apply for random ticket selection up until today- a different approach to other years.
Here is the run down from Apple themselves:
So, what can we expect?
You should definitely expect to hear Tim Cook making announcements regarding the iPhone 6 and iOS 8 and outlining their release dates and specs. Apple TV will most likely be getting an upgrade, however an actual Apple TV will most likely not be making an appearance.
There is a chance an iWatch will be announced, although analysts and basically everyone in the tech world go back and forth on this one. We think there is a 72.5% chance, but we’re not betting the farm.
We’ll also get pretty video’s played at 9:42 am, inspirational speeches, and special appearances by Craig Federighi and Jony Ive!
Are you excited?? Cos WE ARE!
Images courtesy of Apple & Unitedcats
Tags: Apple, iOS 8, iPhone 6, iWatch, Jony Ive, Steve Jobs, WWDC
Apps, Cell Phone Carriers, iPhone Data, New Releases, Tricks, Uncategorized | iPhone-Antidote |
April 8, 2014 4:04 pm |
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Ever feel like you’re super lucky to live in the world right now? With all the amazing advances in technology we should all be grateful!
Check out this Ad from 90’s Radio Shack- every function in every item for sale can now be found in your iPhone!
Image courtesy of