Apps to help you celebrate NYE!




Hi Guys!


Happy New Years Eve!


Got some champers? Got your party shoes on? Your fireworks viewing glasses? Your fun pants firmly in place? Got some sparkle?


Welllllll that’s pretty good, but just in case you need anything extra in the way of P-A-R-T-Y for tonight, check out these helpful apps!


Cycloramic for your party pics.


Steerclear for non-drink driving transport options.


Ali Spagnola’s Power Album: Party Hour Playlist Maker.


BrainWave Hangover Relief for, well, duh, hangover relief. 


aaaand  the Times Square Official New Year’s Eve Ball App – 2015


Finally – an App called Flywheel which books regular Taxis via your phone is offering a pretty incredible deal for NYE.  From 8 p.m. Wednesday until 3 a.m. Thursday, they’re offering $10 flat-rate rides in San Francisco, Seattle, San Diego, and Sacramento. Rides exceeding $50 will be charged the metered balance. Get the App here! 


May you all have a safe, superb and outrageously joyful NYE. Here’s to you 2014, we liked being in you, and here’s to you too 2015, we can’t wait to meet you!






New Years Eve 2010 – Dubai Fireworks by Sarah Ackerman is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

The best Apps for iOS in 2014

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The list of 2014’s most popular apps has been released by Apple! Usually a pretty solid indication of the functionality or enjoyability of an app, it’s a quick and handy way to see if there was anything you missed this year that could help you start off your 2015 right.


Here’s we go –


Best of Free Apps for iPhone

1. Facebook Messenger
2. Snapchat
3. YouTube
4. Facebook
5. Instagram
6. Pandora Radio
7. Google Maps
8. Flipagram
9. Spotify Music
10. 2048



Best Paid Apps for iPhone.

1. Heads Up!
2. Minecraft – Pocket Edition
3. Afterlight
4. Plague Inc.
5. Sleep Cycle alarm clock
6. Facetune
7. Cut the Rope 2
8. Bloons TD 5
9. A Dark Room
10. 7 Minute Workout Challenge



Best Paid Apps for iPad

1. Minecraft – Pocket Edition
2. Cut the Rope 2
3. Heads Up!
4. The Room Two
5. Survivalcraft
6. Notability
7. Terraria
8. Plants vs. Zombies HD
9. Hide N Seek : Mini Game With Worldwide Multiplayer
10. Card Wars – Adventure Time



Best Free Apps for iPad

1. YouTube
2. Netflix
3. Calculator for iPad Free
4. Skype for iPad
5. Microsoft Word
6. Facebook Messenger
7. Facebook
8. Candy Crush Saga
9. Chrome
10. Clash of Clans



Apple has also just released a Tumblr page for the best of iTunes in 2014, featuring the highlights in movies, music, books and and TV.


Check it out here! 









Tim Cook rounds out 2014 with CNN’s CEO of the year



Tim Cook, revered CEO of Apple, has taken out top spot in CNN Money’s list of the best CEO’s in 2014.




The accolade is in recognition of his many successes this year, including proving wrong all the critics who thought he couldn’t live up to the leadership voracity or innovative style of Steve Jobs, his insistence of and steps toward creating a equal workplace, the release of successful new products and successful new product lines in the Apple Watch and Apple Pay, AND, very importantly for CNN (and investors), Apple’s pretty incredible 40% stock climb this year.


Phewf.  That’s some 2014.


Cook can put this award right next to the other one’s he’s collected this year, such as the Financial Times ‘ Person of The Year’, being a finalist for Time Magazine’s Person of the Year, and his Lifetime Achievement Award from Auburn University, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering.


You can see the other finalists for best CEO here. 


So, what does 2015 look like, Mr Cook? You can tell us, we can keep a secret.

































Facebook launches new app with all our favorite friends

Who are all our favorite friends? Well, these guys are, dummy:





The weird gorilla guy, the other weird gorilla guy, as well as the cactus and the rabbit and all the rest of them that are becoming so popular to use within the Facebook messenger app. Well, now, as you can see above, you can doso much more with these little dudes!


It’s a new App just released by Facebook called Stickered which allows you to add these stickers onto photos from your camera roll, or take photos with them already on the live camera view. You then can save them to your camera roll or send them to all your friends who then think that you’re hilarious and awesome. Until you do it too much, and then they think you’re stupid and annoying. So don’t do that, k?





You can download Stickered for free now on the App Store.





Happy Holidays!




The iPhone Antidote family would like to wish all of our wonderful customers and blog readers a wonderful and merry Christmas.


The blog will be taking a 2-day hiatus – don’t miss us too much- we’ll be back right after! (A little fatter, and a little bit sore in our smiling muscles.)


We sincerely hope that your Holidays are full of family and love and smiling and some sneaky eggnog and mistletoe!


Peace x







Apple raised over $20 million for RED Charity!



Apple has raised an utterly amazing and inspiring 20 million dollars for the RED Charity, which helps fight AIDS in Africa. 20 MILLION dollars! That’s some good fight, right there.


The money was raised through Apple’s product RED promotions, running a RED section in the App Store with the help of developers, and donation part of all sales from Friday November 28th until Monday December 1st.


This $20 million dollars contributes toward the over $100 million Apple has raised in the history of it’s partnership with RED.


Tim cook congratulated his team at Apple on this accomplishment in his annual Christmas letter to his employees.


“I’m thrilled to announce that our total donation for this quarter will be more than $20 million — our biggest ever — bringing the total amount Apple has raised for (PRODUCT) RED to over $100 million,” Cook wrote. “The money we’ve raised is saving lives and bringing hope to people in need. It’s a cause we can all be proud to support.”


The rest of the letter comments on the other accomplishments apple has achieved in 2014, the decisions that have been made, the good he hopes Apple is doing in the world, and what he is looking forward to for the future of Apple.


Here’s the letter in full, thanks to iClarified.


We had a similar Happy Holidays email sent around to iPhone Antidote employees, but it was mainly about how cute our company Guinea Pig looks in front of our Christmas Tree. And the good we plan to do in the world, too. Obviously.


Happy Holidays!

What did we search for in 2014?



Wanna know what we, the internet-having, google-searching people of earth wanted to know more about in 2014?


Of course you do!


First up, let’s look at the top 10 searches in consumer electronics in 2014, because that’s the business we’re in, yo.


Coming in shiny at number 1 is the iPhone 6. That guy! What a guy.


Number 2 was the Samsung Galaxy S5. That guy.  Apple Watch came in at lucky number 8, and iPad Air just making it in there at number 10! Xbox 1 took out the coveted number 7 spot, and Nokia came in 9th place.


The top 10 overall searches didn’t contain any Apple or other tech devices,  HOWEVER Flappy bird did make the cut, coming in at a very scaryily high number 6.


Here are the  top ten overall searches for 2014.


Robin Williams
World Cup
Malaysia Airlines
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Flappy Bird
Conchita Wurst
Sochi Olympics



Some sad, some inspiring, some lovely and certainly some challenging things that faced the world in 2015. Here’s looking to 2015 when we fix all the bad things and make another Frozen and play lots of team sports and sing and dance and accept and love.


Happy Holidays.







Google’s year in search 2014. Yup, it’ll make you cry.

So, following on from yesterday where we showed you Apple’s tear-jerker Holiday Ad, here is Google’s end of 2014 tear-jerker ad.


It’s all about searching. Uh….d’uh. But they make the art of search beautiful, and somehow like you’re proud to be a human?


Here’s Google’s Year in Search 2014.  Humans can be awesome.




Happy holidays.






Apple’s Holidays Ad will make you cry happy tears

Happy tears are the best you guys. And it’s Christmas time, so obviously Apple want us to cry happy tears, so that we’ll feel warm and fuzzy, associate those feelings with them, thus creating subconscious brand loyalty.


Which is smart and also makes us feel a little squirmy inside. BUT its still an awesome commercial that will make you feel warm and fuzzy and in all likelihood make you cry big sploshy happy tears. So you should probably watch it. What are you, a grinch?




Happy holidays!



Deals of The Week Wednesday!

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Hi Guys!


Sick of shopping yet? Nope? We got you! Here’s our Deals Of The Week!


* Get a fancy Pebble Steel Smart Watch from Best Buy PLUS free 2-day shipping for just $149.99 down from $199.99





*Target Cartwheel – get 15% OFF Playstation 4 & 20% OFF Playstation TV!!



* T-Mobile’s  Family Plan with 10GB for 4 lines plan is back. That’s 2.5 GB each till 2016! They have confirmed that existing users can take advantage of this deal. Check it out! 



* Get an Omaker iPhone 6 TPU Slim Bumper Case for $5.99 from Amazon with coupon Code: BUORRBJM . Get an Omaker Premium iPhone 6 Tempered Glass Screen Protector, also for $5.99 from Amazon with coupon code: PEYYYJGO . Add both items to cart, and apply Code: AJXZ8U3U at checkout to get them both for $10.98





* is offering 85% off their Screen and Full Body Protectors when you apply coupon code Christmas85 at checkout. Shipping is Free.


*Apple iPad Mini 2 / Apple iPad Mini Retina $60 Off from Staples (16 GB, in-store only) or $50 Off from Walmart (16 GB, 32GB, 128 GB) or $50 Off from Target (16 GB, 32 GB) or $50 off from Best Buy.



Happy Deals Wednesday! Happy Holidays!