Apple Music free trial period ending + guided tours
Did you sign up for Apple Music on or shortly after June 30? If you did, your free trial is ending!!
Dun Dun Duuuun!
Personally, we’re keeping our subscription, because if you haven’t read our review of the service, we fricken’ love it. BUT! If you want to unsubscribe, There are 2 ways.
On your iPhone or iPad, go to Settings. Tap on the iTunes & App Store option, and then tap on your Apple ID. A box will come up – tap on ‘view Apple ID’. Sign if if necessary. You’ll then see an option called ‘subscriptions’ with the word ‘Manage’ underneath. Click on ‘Manage’. On the next page you’ll see the words ‘Renewal options’, and underneath that as the 3rd option down is Automatic renewal. To unsubscribe, turn slide the slider off green.
On your computer, go into iTunes and sign in. If you’re already signed in, click on your name (left of the search bar) and click down to account information. Enter your Apple ID password. Scroll down to the Settings section, and when you get to ‘subscriptions’, look to the right and click ‘Manage’. Turn off Automatic Renewal for Apple Music to cancel a subscription.
If you wish to continue with the service, as many will, you don’t have to do anything except enjoy some sweet tunes! If you’re unsure about continuing your subscription or if you’ve been enjoying the service but not exploring it, Apple has just introduced a bunch of guided video’s to make sure you’re not missing out on anything. They’re available on the Apple website and will presumably soon be featured on their YouTube channel.
Or, watch them right here!