Good Guy Apple pledged to donate $1 million to fire relief efforts in Northern California, as well as matching employee donations 2-1.
On Sunday night, a series of fires broke out throughout Napa, Lake, Sonoma, Mendocino, and Butte counties in Northern California during severe fire weather conditions.
These fires rapidly grew to destroy an estimated 3,500 plus structures and killed at least 21 people, while over 380 people remain missing. The fires have so far burned over 170,000 acres of land, and have forced over 20,000 people to evacuate.
Other tech companies have also pledged donations. Facebook will also donate $1 million, while Google will donate $500,000.
If you would like to help out by making a donation, please visit the below links.
The Red Cross
California Fire Relief GoFundMe
Napa & Sonoma County Fire Relief GoFundMe
Sonoma County Resilience Fund
Napa Valley Community Foundation
Apparently, Apple is developing a foldable iPhone with a LG Display, according to Korean site The Investor. They’re partnering with LG rather than the norm Samsung because of fears Samsung might access secret foldable iPhone tech.
Back in December of 2016, there were rumors suggesting LG’s display division were planning to mass-produce foldable displays for smartphones as early as 2018, and Apple was tossed around as a name involved with the project.
LG has a bunch of prototypes of folding phones, like one that folds over like a book and (believe it or not) a second that rolls up kind of like a newspaper.
Don’t get too excited yet though, kids, if it happens, we’re looking at a possible release in 2020. Which, to be fair, is both really far in the future, and also will happen just like that.
If you guessed a lot then bing bing bing! You’re a winner!
CNBC conducted a survey that found that SIXTY FOUR PERCENT of Americans own an Apple product! That’s a big increase on a survey done in 2012, when the number lay at 50%. Which is still a lot.
Not only that, but according to the survey the average American household owns 2.6 Apple products.
All very impressive numbers, but keep in mind, and with a grain of salt, that this survey was a poll of just 800 people across America in September of last year.
Still, here’s the rest of the findings:
For Americans with incomes under $30,000, retirees and women over the age of 50, ownerships were below 50%.
The ‘wealthiest Americans own 4.7 Apple products per household, and the ‘poorest’ have one.
There was 3.7 devices per household in the West of the United States, while households in the South owned 2.2 devices on average.
64 percent claimed that the time they spend on an iPhone is “mostly productive and useful,” while 27 percent said that it’s “mostly unproductive.”
So many Apples.
iOS 11.1 was released to registered developers today via Apple’s Developer Center or over-the-air once the proper configuration profile has been installed from the Developer Center.
The exciting part? Well, CRAZY FACE, the new version will include a range of new Unicode 10 emoji like crazy face, pie, pretzel, t-rex, vampire, exploding head (obvs), face vomiting, shushing face, love you gesture, brain, scarf, zebra, giraffe (yay!), fortune cookie, pie, hedgehog, and more.

There have also been some detailed but small design changes to some of the emoji.

Yay Emoji! The language of the future?