Category: iPhone 4S

iPhone Tip Of The Day!


Ever see a rockin’ photo on your iDevice whilst browsing that wonderful world wide web? Something like this?






Or this?





In Safari or Chrome, simply place your magic finger on the image, hold down for a moment, and you’ll be given an option to save the image to your iPhoto library. BAM! Now it’s yours to do anything with (that’s not commercial or against copyright or, you know, mean. Don’t be mean, guys.)


Now you can use it as your wallpaper, email it, print it out and hang it on your wall, or just look back at it fondly and wistfilly every now and then.


Like we do with this one:






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iPhone Tip Of The Day



You know that little suggested spelling box that comes up sometimes when you’re typing on your iPhone or iPad? And about 60% of the time you’re like, ‘oh hey little box, that’s cool, you’re totally right on how to spell that word, my bad, thanks for your assistance!’


But the other 40% of the time you’re like ‘agggh i know what i want to say little box and you’re totally wrong this time and my finger is too fat to touch that little stupid x of yours to make you go away!’


Well, actually, that 40% of the time? You can tap anywhere on the screen- except for the box- and it’ll go away.







Image courtesy of Huffington Post & Sodahead.

Apple vs Samsung ( & Google?)!



So if you guys didn’t know, Apple & Samsung have been at it again, Round Two in the Battle of The Patents. After winning Round 1 in The Battle, Apple were awarded $1 billion in damages, eventually reduced to $929 million.


This time,  Apple was seeking $2.2 Billion in damages from Samsung over 5 patents, and for the judge to stop Samsung selling their devices in the US.


As unlikely as this was to happen, the lawsuit was still a pain in Samsung’s butt and wallets. What made it a little easier? Google offered to help Samsung cover their costs.


According to reports from Windows IT Pro Blog, Apple’s lawyers showed a video during testimony in which a Google attorney confirmed that there were email messages between Google and Samsung where Google offered to help cover Samsung’s legal expenses and maybe even damages fees.


This kind of financial assistance, known as indemnification, is covered by Google’s “contractual obligations” to Samsung, because they are the hardware partner that sells the most Android phones.


Basically, because Samsung are the biggest hardware partner that uses Google’s apps and operating system, they want to help there guy out, right?  And so they do it with offers of money and offers to defend some patent claims Samsung says is covered by Google’s Android Operating System.


Samsung was also claiming a smaller $7 million for Apple infringing two of its patents.


Today, the unanimous jury verdict was reached after three days of deliberation, finding that Samsung willfully infringed on two of the 5 patents involved in the suit. Samsung has been ordered to pay $119.6 million, which whilst still a win, is not exactly what Apple had hoped for, especially knowing that Google might be helping Samsung out by throwing some cash their way!


Apple in turn were ordered to pay Samsung $158,400. Mere pennies! What we’re all wanting to know though is,






Images courtesy of Digitaltrends & Sodahead

Broken wake/sleep button or home button? Here’s what to do!


Do you have an iPhone that has a broken wake/sleep or home button and it’s not covered under warranty?



We got you!


You have 2 options.


1. If you’re not ready to sell your beloved iPhone, or get it repaired for a silly amount of money, there’s a software solution for your broken buttons!


Go to Settings>Accessibility>Assisted Touch>Switch to On.


Now you’ll see a floating button on your iPhone screen that can act as both the wake/sleep button, volume buttons, and the home button. It can peform functions such as waking the device up, making it go to sleep, taking photos, screenshots, etc. It looks like this:




The other option?


2. Go to to sell your stupid broken iPhone with it’s stupid broken buttons to us for CASHMONEY in the easiest and fastest way ( in the known galaxy at least) and use that CASHMONEY to get a shiny new phone!


We like that option.





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Facetime Facepalm


Since April 16th people who have devices running iOS 6 have been experiencing difficulty using FaceTime. Apple changed their troubleshooting page to advise updating devices to the latest operating system, but it was thought that the issue would be fixed after a short period of time.


Unfortunately kids, it appears we are just not that lucky. Apple today released a new support document advising that the problems people are experiencing with FaceTime are due directly to a bug which has resulted from an expired device certificate.


No good.


If you are on of those people experiencing the problem, then the only way you can use FaceTime is to update your operating system to the latest version that your device is capable of running.


If your device is capable of running iOS 7 it must be upgraded to iOS 7.0.4 or later, however if your device is incapable of running iOS 7 ( like the iPhone 3GS), you must upgrade to iOS 6.1.6.


Here it is direct from the sauce:


“If you started to have issues making or receiving FaceTime calls after April 16, 2014, your device or your friend’s device may have encountered a bug resulting from a device certificate that expired on that date. Updating both devices to the latest software will resolve this issue.


If you’re using iOS 7.0.4 or later or iOS 6.1.6, this issue doesn’t affect you.


If you’re using these versions of OS X or FaceTime for Mac, this issue doesn’t affect you:


– OS X Mavericks v10.9.2 or later
– OS X Mountain Lion v10.8 with the latest security updates
– OS X Lion v10.7 with the latest security updates
– FaceTime for Mac version 1.0.5 or later for Mac OS X v10.6


While FaceTime does work with iOS 6.1.6, that particular update is not available to recent devices that are able to run iOS 7, which means iOS 6 users with newer devices who wish to access FaceTime must upgrade to iOS 7.”



So… Happy upgrading? We guess? For reals though, it actually is a pretty nice iOS, even though the changes might look a bit scary. Check out our iOS 7 article here. You knew you had to do it eventually, right?  Right? … FaceTime Shots Anyone?



FaceTime not working? This might be why.




If you’re running iOS 6 on your iPad or iPhone, you may have noticed that you’re currently unable to FaceTime. According to a report on Macrumors, multiple people running iOS 6 have encountered the problem and Apple has updated it’s troubleshooting page specifically to advise upgrading to the latest iOS as the number 1 step.



Users who have complained directly to Apple have also been advised to update their iOS as the first troubleshooting step, however it is acknowledged among the tech community that the problem should be a temporary one.



If you don’t want to update your device to the latest iOS, you shouldn’t have to, unless you NEED to do FaceTime shots/ show babies to someone IMMEDIATELY.  Or REALLY SOON.



We totally understand that need, by the way and we plan to be doing one of those today, so we’ll use an ioS 6 device and keep you guys updated as to if and when the issue appears to get fixed!







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iPhone Tip Of The Day




To celebrate being a month late for National Grammar Day, we’ve decided to give you guys some iPhone keyboard grammar tips! Are we all ready for some exciting keyboard shortcuts? Huh? Huh?  I think we heard a yes? Maybe?


Alrighty, lets start off with some dashes, cos they’re awesome, obviously. Hold down the Dash button to get a selection of dashes, including the lovely en dash and the slightly less lovely in our opinion em dash.


Hold down the slash to get a reverse slash, that’s an easy one.


Hold down the dollar sign to get the Pound, Cent, Euro, Yen or South Korean Won symbols





Hold down the ‘&’ symbol (Ampersand for those playing at home) and you’l get a § – a typographical character used mainly to refer to a particular section of a document, such as a legal code. It is also called “double S”, “sectional symbol”, and our favorite, “hurricane”. Obviously.


Hold down the period to get three dots, or Ellipsis. Hold down the apostrophe button to get both types of apostrophes and quotation marks.


Hold down the question mark to get an upside down question mark.





Hold down the exclamation mark to get an upside down exclamation mark¡ (See what we did there….)


Happy one month past National Grammar Day!









Image courtesy of,, &

iPhone Tip Of The Day






You guys know when you’re super excited/angry/drunk/revengy and you decide to send a message to someone?  And then you get a moment of clarity and realize that telling your boss that you hate the way he wears his stupid pretentious ties is not the best career move? Or telling your friend that she’s a really mean jerk might not be the best thing to do?





Precisely perfect for these moments is the undo typing function, because pressing delete over and over might take too long and the drunky revengy you might come back!


So, shake your phone, man, just shake your phone! An “Undo Typing” box will come up –  hit it like it’s a 1990’s dancefloor!






If you do change your mind after you’ve hit Undo, shake your phone again for a handy “Redo Typing” box.


So now you can save telling people how you really think when you’re angry/drunk/revengy for REAL life! Hooray!




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April fools day Prank ideas from iPhone Antidote!


It’s almost here! The 4th most glorious day of the year that’s not a real holiday but is still an awesome day!


Tomorrow is April Fools Day!




Tomorrow also represents Apple’s 38th anniversary, with their partnership having officially been founded on this day in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. So there’s another reason to celebrate! There’s also often App and iDevice pranks that tech companies pull, so we’re looking forward to that! As long as their not lame, cos that’ll just be…lame. 


So whadda YOU gonna do for April Fools Day Pranky McPranksters? Cos we’re cool like that, here’s some ideas specifically designed for your friend’s iDevices and Macs!


* Replace the shortcuts on their iPhones to whichever words you may find hilarious. Like poo. Or Strippers.





*Flip their computer screens for some excellently frustrating bafflement! Open System Preferences, click Display while simultaneously holding down Command + Option. A new menu called Rotation should appear, and you can flip the display and save it or undo.





*Set a screenshot of their homescreen as wallpaper, and then move around the actual apps so it seems as if nothing is working when really YOU’RE CLICKING ON NOTHING, MAN! NOTHING! BAHAHAHA


*Turn your friends iPhone App icons into baby kittens! Well, not really, but it LOOKS like it, which is almost as fun. Go to on their phone, and follow the instructions listed there.






*Download the Nicholas Cage chrome extension that makes every image on any website actually be a picture of Nicholas Cage. Brilliant.






Other ideas not specific to tech include:


*Hire a smoke machine, lock your room-mate in his room with the machine right next to his door at 4:35am.


*Mix Soy sauce and sprite together for a surprisingly disgusting diet coke.


*Put toothpaste in their Oreos


*Paint their soap with clear nail varnish


*Finally, our favorite, put tabasco sauce into their sleeping mouths, then give them vodka to douse their burning lips.




Images courtesy of,,, &


Apple Fact Of The Day


Look closely next time you see an Apple Ad or press shot, and  you’ll find that the time is always set to 9:41A.M. or 9:42 A.M.




Because all Apple events start at 9 a.m.





“We design the keynotes so that the big reveal of the product happens around 40 minutes into the presentation,” former Apple executive Scott Forstall has said. “When the big image of the product appears on screen, we want the time shown to be close to the actual time on the audience’s watches. But we know we won’t hit 40 minutes exactly.”


Forstall’s exacting his team chose the 42-minute mark for the launch of the first iPhone in 2007. “It turned out we were pretty accurate with that estimate, so for the iPad we made it 41 minutes,” he said.


Plus, 42 is the answer to the meaning of life, so there’s that going for them too.






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