It’s almost here! The 4th most glorious day of the year that’s not a real holiday but is still an awesome day!
Tomorrow is April Fools Day!
Tomorrow also represents Apple’s 38th anniversary, with their partnership having officially been founded on this day in 1976 by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. So there’s another reason to celebrate! There’s also often App and iDevice pranks that tech companies pull, so we’re looking forward to that! As long as their not lame, cos that’ll just be…lame.
So whadda YOU gonna do for April Fools Day Pranky McPranksters? Cos we’re cool like that, here’s some ideas specifically designed for your friend’s iDevices and Macs!
* Replace the shortcuts on their iPhones to whichever words you may find hilarious. Like poo. Or Strippers.
*Flip their computer screens for some excellently frustrating bafflement! Open System Preferences, click Display while simultaneously holding down Command + Option. A new menu called Rotation should appear, and you can flip the display and save it or undo.
*Set a screenshot of their homescreen as wallpaper, and then move around the actual apps so it seems as if nothing is working when really YOU’RE CLICKING ON NOTHING, MAN! NOTHING! BAHAHAHA
*Turn your friends iPhone App icons into baby kittens! Well, not really, but it LOOKS like it, which is almost as fun. Go to on their phone, and follow the instructions listed there.
*Download the Nicholas Cage chrome extension that makes every image on any website actually be a picture of Nicholas Cage. Brilliant.
Other ideas not specific to tech include:
*Hire a smoke machine, lock your room-mate in his room with the machine right next to his door at 4:35am.
*Mix Soy sauce and sprite together for a surprisingly disgusting diet coke.
*Put toothpaste in their Oreos
*Paint their soap with clear nail varnish
*Finally, our favorite, put tabasco sauce into their sleeping mouths, then give them vodka to douse their burning lips.
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