Category: Make Money

Deals Of The Week Wednesday





* Get a 60″ Sony KDL60R510a 1080p 120Hz Smart LED HDTV for just $798 PLUS Free Shipping at Walmart. If you have brand allegiance, Best Buy has the same T.V. for $799.99, also with free shipping.


*Get the Conair All-in-One Battery-Operated Beard and Mustache Trimmer for just $8.99 from Amazon (with free shipping on orders over $35)






*Next week we’ll be telling you all about Amazon’s new release –  ‘Echo’ – a Siri-like-robot-helper-person-hands-free-speaker. Right now Amazon Prime members can get the Echo for just $99 (down from $199), however you also must request an invitation. Because it’s fancy, we think? You can request an invite here. 




* Get a Max Speed Speedometer Car Watch for just $17.99 from Groupon. 






* Get a 47″ LG 47LB5900 LED HDTV PLUS a $200 eGift Card for only $479 PLUS Free Shipping from Dell.




*Get a 2500mAh Credit Card Sized USB Power Bank for $8.97 PLUS Free Shipping from iTechDeals.  Use coupon code TAKE2OFF.




* It’s getting cold out, and no-one likes cold handsies, so might be time to get some new Winter touchscreen gloves. Get these ones from Groupon for $7.99.



Stay tuned next week for our bumper Black Friday Deals Of The Week edition!





Apple replacing sleep/wake buttons on some iPhone 5 models!



Has the sleep/wake button on your iPhone 5 stopped working? Thought it was a lost cause? There might be some hope yet!


Apple has released a statement to The Loop regarding a recall of some iPhone 5 models because of broken sleep/wake buttons, which means if you are one of the device owners affected- you could get it replaced for free.


Here’s the lowdown-


You’ll need to enter your iPhone’s serial number here to see if your device is one of those affected by the recall.


If your phone is affected and you want to get it fixed for free ( duh) you can bring it to any Apple Retail Store or Apple Authorized Service provider. Your device will have to be sent away to an Apple repair centre to be fixed, however it is believed that for the interim some Apple stores are lending customers iPhone 5 16Gb models. You can also mail your device directly to the repair centre if you’d like.


According to Apple your device will take 4-6 days from the time it is received until it is returned to you, and all customers should back up all their data and erase all content and setting before sending it in to get fixed. All devices that receive a new sleep/wake button will be updated to iOS 7.


If you’ve got an iPhone 5 that is affected by this recall and you’ve already paid for an out-of-warranty replacement, you should contact an Apple customer service rep to ask for a refund.


This recall and placement program will be effective for 2 years after the initial retail purchase of your device.


According to some reports there are stores that are offering customers affected by the recall  a $350 upgrade credit for a new device, but you must specifically ask for it, your phone must be in perfect condition other than the sleep/wake button, and it’s of course not guaranteed.


By the way, why doesn’t Apple have a cooler name for that button? Writing sleep/wake button over and over has cemented the fact that it’s a pretty stupid name. It should be called, like, the enforcer button or something. Just saying, Apple.


Good luck Guys! Let us know how you go if this recall applies to you!




Image courtesy of Techcrunch

Website Overstock now accepting bitcoin



Bitcoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin. What are we to do with you? Not a lot of people know about you, far less understand you or how you work, you’re super unstable and yet you’re growing. You’re the new in thing to talk about in media and that somehow continues to be the new in thing to talk about as if you know what you’re talking about.


Honesty corner: We don’t really know what we’re talking about when it comes to Bitcoin, but this is what we do know: It’s a cybercurrency that is created, distributed and authenticated outside of banks or governments.



People mine for them using their own computers by assisting other people’s Bitcoin transactions. And then they have them, and they can spend them. Right? We’re learning! We feel like it might be a thing we really need to learn, because it’s moving from a thing that you read about on the internet, to a thing that people are using as proper currency on the internet quite quickly.


Case in point: Online discount retailer is now accepting Bitcoin. In fact, more than 800 purchases, equaling $130,000 were made in the first 24 hours the company was accepting the cybercurrency.


Patrick Byrne, the company’s chariman and CEO had this to say:


“Digital currency will be an important part of the future and Overstock is excited to be the first major online shopping retailer to accept it,” said Patrick Byrne, chairman and CEO. ”As one who believes in limited government, this attracts me because it is a form of money that no government mandarin can will it into existence.”


More retailers are saying they will be accepting Bitcoin – most recently the Sacramento Kings, making them the first professional sports franchise to accept them starting on March 1st this year in the team store and in ticket sales.


Kings owner Vivek Ranadive says accepting Bitcoins is the next step in allowing fans to leave their wallets at home. Solving situations like this one, at the very least;





Other companies such as Paypal are considering making the move to accepting the currency in the future. In the meantime they are perhaps waiting for it to stabilize, perhaps they too are unsure of what the consequences are of accepting the currency. On Thursday, one Bitcoin was worth approximately $850.


Meanwhile, Kanye West has sued, and won against similar cybercurrency Coinye for using his image. Silly Fish Sticks. Doesn’t he know it’s the way of the future? We could’ve all been using Coinye!








Images courtesy of,, Quickmeme &


App Store records broken

Apple recently announced that their App store made an astonishing $10 Billion last year, with $1 Billion in December. Their customers downloaded almost 3 billion apps.


That’s so many Apps.


Eddie Cue, Apple’s senior vice president of Internet Software and Services said this about the feat:


“We’d like to thank our customers for making 2013 the best year ever for the App Store,” said Eddy Cue, . “The lineup of apps for the holiday season was astonishing and we look forward to seeing what developers create in 2014.”


Ya, we are too Eddie. particularly the app where you can taste what you see on the internet, the app that uses time travel technology (obviously) and the make your own tiny dinosaur App. Those are the ones we’re really looking forward to.


Our tiny pet dinosaur will be named Sheldon. D’uh.




Images couresy of & Pinterest.

Apple acquires small Australian tech company



What would you do if you were Apple; a super giant mobile tech company with millions of dollars and super smart employees and awesome products- stay with us- and some kid comes along with an App that makes your smartphone camera 100 times better? Well?


You buy it, dummies! Or, excuse us, you ‘acquire’ it.


And that’s what Apple has just done, although we may have slightly misspoken with all that ‘kid’ talk. Doctor John Papandriopoulos is the San Fransisco based Australian founder (and sole employee!) of Snappycam, an app which basically turns the iPhone camera super awesome by giving it the capability to take 20 photos per second, giving it burst shoot functionality.


He did this by rewriting the JPEG Algorithm. Obviously.


The acquisition has been rumored for some time after the App was taken out of the App store and all social media presence of Snappycam was taken down, but it was confirmed to the Wall Street Journal last Saturday.


Apple will most likely use the technology to improve their own camera capabilities and release them to us with future software updates.


Yay!  We like better camera stuff! We just can’t wait until you can take things out of photos, you know what we mean? Like cupcakes. And Beach holidays. And kittens. This guy should start working on that.





Images courtesy of Techradar & Petapixel

Score some extra cash for the holidays with us!



Need some extra funds for the holiday season? It’s a pretty expensive time after all, what with the Furbies and the sparkle lights and the pretty fancy christmas party clothes and all that stuff you have to get for your true love ( I hear turtle doves are particularly expensive this year)!


So. That cash.


We wanna help!!


We’re planning on giving all our loved ones broken, water damaged and used iPhones for christmas (cos we’re cool like that) and we need some more! Can we PLEASE buy that stinky old iPhone that’s just sitting in your drawer?


Otherwise, Great Aunt Macy might have to go without and she’ll be so sad. You wanna make her sad?



We’ll pay you up to $450 clams for that stinky old iPhone, and we’ll make the selling process as easy as that pumpkin pie you just ate!



Mmm. Pie.


All you need to do is fill out an order form to sell your iPhone here, and either a pre-paid box will arrive on your doorstep OR if you’d prefer you’ll receive a label in your email to put on any ‘ol box you have lying around.



The pre-paid box contains a packing pouch and a pre-paid shipping label (oh, and some little christmas presents, cos we’re cool like that), so all you need to do is bundle up that stinky old iPhone, put it in a post box and we’ll send you a check or Paypal payment in NO time!



Easy as pumpkin pie and everyone’s happy, even Great Aunt Macy.


Thanks guys, you’re the best!


Happy Holidays!




P.S. Look out for our tech gift guide for this Christmas in the next few days so you know exactly what to buy with that cash!




Images courtesy of  The Cleveland Leader, Verybestbaking, cashflowlifestyle & freefever.

What stores open when for Black Friday shopping??



So, opening store times are like Black Friday 101 right? It seems stores are opening for their Black Friday Sales sooner and sooner these days!


So you guys can be totally on your game, below is a list of stores and their opening hours!


Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28:

Lowe’s online  – 4:00 A.M.


Kmart – 6:00 AM

RiteAid – 7:00 AM


Walgreens – 8:00 AM


CVS: 9:00 AM


Michaels – 4:00 PM


Toys R Us – 5:00 PM


Best Buy – 6:00 PM

Sports Authority – 6:00 PM

Walmart – 6:00 PM


Old Navy – 7:00 PM


Bon-Ton – 8:00 PM

Dick’s Sporting Goods – 8:00 PM

JCPenney – 8:00 PM

Kohl’s – 8:00 PM

Macy’s – 8:00 PM

Modell’s Sporting Goods – 8:00 PM

Office Depot – 8:00 PM

OfficeMax – 8:00 PM

Sears – 8:00 PM

Shopko – 8:00 PM

Target – 8:00 PM


Staples – 9:00 PM


AT&T – Midnight

Bath and Body Works – Midnight

Dell – Midnight

Fry’s – Midnight

GameStop – Midnight



Friday, Nov. 29:


A.C. Moore – 5:00 AM

Bass Pro Shops- 5:00 AM

Burlington Coat Factory- 5:00 AM

Cabela’s- 5:00 AM

Fred Meyer- 5:00 AM

Home Depot- 5:00 AM

Lowe’s- 5:00 AM


Bed, Bath and Beyond- 6:00 AM

BigLots- 6:00 AM

Jo-Ann- 6:00 AM

Meijer- 6:00 AM

Menard’s- 6:00 AM

PetSmart- 6:00 AM


Ace Hardware- 7:00 AM

BJ’s Wholesale Club- 7:00 AM

Dollar General- 7:00 AM

Harbor Freight- 7:00 AM

Rite Aid- 7:00 AM

Sam’s Club- 7:00 AM

SteinMart- 7:00 AM


RadioShack- 8:00 AM

REI- 8:00 AM


Costco – 9:00 Am


Some Apple stores are opening at 6:00 AM on Black Friday, however others will be opening at their regular opening times. Click here to see when your local Apple store will be opening.



We think these guys probably already know the store opening times for Black Friday. We hope.






Image courtesy of CNN UsaToday.

Twitter IPO! It happened! And it was good!



The Twitter IPO happened this morning! Lots and lots of money was made/exchanged/flurried about, and people were happy! Yay!


The bell was rung by Sir Patrick Stewart, Cheryl Fiandaca from the Boston Police department and Vivienne Harr from the charity Make A Stand Lemon-aid (An awesome charity btw, check it out here).





The stocks started selling at $26 a share but soon shot up topping out at $50.09 and closing the day at $44.94, up 73%!  Way better than Facebook (although concerning less money) and better than we think some people were expecting.


Twitter is now worth about 25 billion dollars.


That’s a lot of clams, kids.



We imagine the mood at Twitter today was a little like this;





And that’s awesome. Well done Twitter!





Images courtesy of USA Today, OMGCUTETHINGSClams.

The first guy to break his 5S

We just received our first iPhone 5S!  And it was, drumroll please:








Even though the guy at first was like:



We gave him $$$ CASHMONEY and turned that frown upside down!



Apparently, our lovely 5S customer was using his brand new shiny iPhone 5S in a crowded area, someone came running by and hit him in the shoulder and the shiny 5S went flying ever so prettily before smacking itself onto concrete. And there you have it- a cracked screen.


In his own words, just a bit of bad luck.


But good luck that he had heard of iPhone Antidote! Yay!



If you have an unlucky cracked or broken iPhone, or a stinky old used iPhone, go to iPhone Antidote right now!


We’ll give you CASHMONEY for those unlucky, stinky old iPhones and turn you from grumpy cat into happy, baller cat in one of the easiest, stress free transactions you’ll ever experience!




Images courtesy of Phonearena, Geeknation, Lol-cat & Pandawhale

Apple crediting iWork & iLife purchases!





Did you purchase a new iOS device after September 1st, but just before Tim Cook announced that all new iOS devices purchased would come with iWork and iLife apps for free?


Did you buy apps from iLife or iWork and then kicked an Apple voodoo doll cos you felt ripped off?


Were you perhaps confused about it all and bought the apps anyway not thinking they were actually going to be given out for free?




Apple have begun to send out emails to eligible users that did any of the above letting them know not to worry kiddies, their iTunes accounts will be credited for the money they spent on the apps that were supposed to be free!


If you think that you should have received an email and you haven’t yet, you get right on that phone and call Apple! 800-275-2273


Here’s the official email from  Apple.



Dear iTunes Customer,


On September 10, 2013, Apple announced that iPhoto, iMovie, Keynote, Pages, and Numbers iOS apps are now available as a free download on the App Store for qualifying iOS 7 compatible devices activated on or after September 1, 2013.


Our records indicate that you purchased one or more of these apps on or after September 1, 2013 so we have provided you with the iTunes code below in the amount of $5.34.


This credit can be used towards the purchase of any content on the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store. Detailed instructions for redeeming the code can be found at


Code: [redacted]


Thank you and we hope you enjoy using this credit towards your next purchase on iTunes.


Regards, iTunes Customer Support


For full iTunes Terms and Conditions click here:



Apple courtesy of Macrumors. Image courtesy of Appleinsider.