Posts tagged: App of the day

App Of The day !




Our App of the day is another one that’s super useful particularly for this Party Season time of year -It’s called  Steerclear and you guys should totally know about it.


Drink Driving. It’s a bad thing, and no-one should do it. Ever. But the people over at Steerclear understand that sometimes people drink and then they need to physically move their person to another location safely, when there may not be the option for public transport and taxi’s and Uber aren’t quite right for the job. Which is exactly why they created their service.


According to the good people themselves, they’re “in the business of getting people, and their vehicles, to where they need to be, safely and affordably – whether that be home, the office, the airport, the grocery store, the hospital, the farmers’ market, or the beach (and anywhere else you can get to legally on four wheels).”


So, they offer two kinds of the same service and they’ve got it covered. If you drink whilst you’re at a party, they will send 2 people out, one to drive you and your car home and the other to follow your car and pick up the driver when you’re safe home.


You can also schedule a driver by the hour – so if you and your friends are planning on going to the beach to have some drinks, then going to the waterpark, then to the bar, then back to the beach for some bonfire action, your driver will stay with your car and drive you when and where you need to go as long as your start and end points are the same.


After all is said and done the Steerclear driver charges the credit card they have on file so you don’t need to bother with cash, and you can add any gratuity in the App also.


Rates vary depending on your location, but you can calculate the rate in your location by going to their site, or by calling 866.734.1912


Download the app now for free from the App Store!


Party on Garth! Party on Wayne




App Of The Day!



Guess what? It’s the holidays! That means Christmas Parties, cheap booze gift packs, eggnog, aaaand hangovers.


Yeah, sorry bout that, but unless you’re a teetotaler, there’s a good chance you will experience at least one hangover this Holiday Season.  So here’s what we’ve got for you today: BrainWave Hangover Relief


Developed by Banzai Labs, this app aims to relieve symptoms of your hangover (Headache, nausea, general discomfort) by synchronizing your brainwaves to low frequency alpha and theta waves.  Fancy.


Hangover relief is a kind of Holy Grail at this point (the only for sure certain way to avoid them is to stop drinking, d’oh), however the search for a cure is still a worthwhile journey to undertake!



If this app doesn’t work for you, we also suggest eating a banana, taking a shot, and dancing. If you can’t quite handle that, we’ve found that even attempting to dance helps. Also: watching other people dance.



The App has to be used with headphones and it’s $0.99 from the App store.



Cheers & Happy Weekend!



App of the day!




Our App of the day works on so many levels! A party trick, a super cool way to improve your photos, and just some awesome tech.


It’s called Cycloramic, and if you’re a fan of the TV show Shark Tank, you’ll probably have seen it before when one of it’s developers, Bruno Francois from Egos Ventures, secured $500,000 from two of the investors on the show.


It’s an app that is so simple, yet so ingenius.


It’s a way of using your phone to take panoramic photos. It spins your iPhone 360 degrees, using the vibrate function, and takes a photo at the same time. Whhhaaaaa!


It uses the phone’s vibrator function at a specific frequency to make the phone spin around its vertical axis and tracks the rotation angle using the gyroscope, compass and accelerometer. Holy cow.


So just so everyone has this straight- you place the iPhone in front of you, standing up, (on glass works best) press ‘Start’  and sit back, letting your phone spin 360 degrees in front of you, whilst taking a photo. No user intervention, just pure photo taking genius.


People get pretty excited when they see it, so definitely one to bring out at parties.


The App is available for $1.99 from the App Store for iPhone 5, 5S and 6 models.



Check it out here, then check it out in real life. Because it’s waaaaay cool.





App of the Day!

We’ve all heard about Spotify and Pandora and ReverbNation and Vevos and iTunes Radio and alllll the rest of them and they’re all pretty wonderful and everyone usually has their staunch favorite, (as do we) but we want to introduce a little newbie to the gang. He deserves some love too!


Please, a welcoming round of applause for Rormix.




A music video streaming app that aims to delight your visual and aural senses, yes, but also to introduce you bands that you won’t hear or see on the other guys (yet). See, Rormix is for unsigned bands.


Once downloaded, the app will scan your song library so that it can provide appropriate recommendations. Within a few seconds you get your first selection of videos.


And then you enjoy some new talent. Dance, if you like.


Because the video’s are unsigned, of course, you can’t buy the tracks yet, which is a bummer. What you can do is favorite them, click through to the artists’s social media and post the video onto your own social media. You’re being entertained, and you’re doing PR in return by telling people how great the artist is. Like a rainbow circle of karma!


Starting this month, this idea goes further into the matrix – as users make comments and share the content, they can earn points. With a certain number of these points, you can download tracks for a period of time. Score more points and you can keep the music on your device, for longer.


The App then places high-scorers’ recommendations above those of others, and points can qualify the user for some awesome perky premiums such as free concert tickets from the company.


So, interested in being the ultimate cool kid? Listening to and watching some awesome unsigned talent first? Being the pointsmaster? Being in control of helping new talent emerge?


You know what to do.  It’s available for free from the App Store. 









App of the day!

Our app of the day is bought to you by your potential ability to wear clothes really really well. All sexy like.


Introducing MTailor.




This app will sell you shirts that fit you exactly. Just you. Not that guy Tom you know, not your friend Barney, you.


It uses your iPhone camera to figure out your body measurements and then sell you the precisely fitted shirts. Super cool, right?


It’s a free app, and the shirts start at around $64. The whole process involves spinning around in front of your phone so that the app can make a 3D model of you. It then deletes the video and only stores the measurements for your purchases.  3 weeks go by and then BAM A PERFECTLY FITTED SHIRT ARRIVES IN THE MAIL.


This will be a shirt that is perfectly made for you, kind of like what James Bond would wear. We can’t imagine he wore normal shirts that were just made for anyone like a one size fits all mumu. Because he’s slick and is good at playing cards and women and stuff. Just like you with a perfectly fitted shirt.


The company is hoping to make the turnaround quicker in time and currently you have a large range of fabric and patterns to choose from which would also widen in time, including other items of clothing.


Get the app free from the App store and get your fitted shirt on!




App of the Day! Camera Edition




You guys, it’s almost the Holidays! One week ’til Halloween, then Thanksgiving and then Christmas! All the times you’ll be wanting to take the best possible camera phone photos…


SO you’ll prolly be wanting to get the updated version of VSCO Cam. It’s super cool, the newest update has been catered towards iOS 8 and you can manually control all kinds of wonderful photo-taking things like shutter speed, white balance, focus and exposure.


Not to worry though, they also actually manage to make all that stuff pretty intuitive to folks who aren’t that versed in camera terminology.


It comes equipped with post photo editing tools and the ability to share straight to Facebook or Instagram from the App and it’ll make your Holiday pictures superb, we promise.


Get it from the App store.  It’s free with the option to make in-app purchases for filters etc.




It’s almost Halloween!

Less than one week until Halloween! All Hallow’s eve! Samhain! Whatever you call it, it’s fun and it’s coming our way fast. Hopefully you’ve got your decorations up, bought your candy (full size chocolate bars this year? you don’t say…) and organized your kick-ass costume, so all you need now is THIS.



screen568x568 (1)


Ghost Cam + Screamer edition not only adds a variety of ghosts to any photo but also sets up a Halloween prank for you to play on your friends and family. Import any of your photos into the App, hand it off to a friend to look at and when the secret timer goes off a screaming ghost will come shrieking out in the photo. Pretty Cool, eh?


Scaring people is cool. Just remember to have them sitting down on a soft couch or something, unless the idea is that you want them to buy you a new phone after they drop and break yours (we’re not condoning this of course, you crafty little crafter you).


You can also use the app to adjust the brightness and contrast in a way that’ll make the subject of your photo look like a ghost, which is ok, but nothing that’s gonna make people scream. That’s the cool bit.



Get it for $0.99 from the app store. 



Happy Halloween!!



(P.S. We love taking phones broken by halloween pranks. Get a quote here to sell your cracked iPhone.)




App of the day!




One of the biggest pet peeves in life has only existed since we started carrying around those little computers in our pockets. Twenty years ago, if you tried to contact someone, you would knock on their door, write them a letter or ring them on their landline. If there was no answer to any of those things, you would assume that they were somewhere else at that moment, or that your reply letter was in the mail.




Now, when you contact someone, you know there is a very, very good chance that they see that you’re contacting them. And if there is no reply, then there is a very good chance that they are ignoring you. Or busy, yes, but sometimes you just know that they’re ignoring you those heartless bastards.


And that is annoying.


Now, for better or worse, someone has created an app to change all of this. It has the potential to be kind of mean, but considering it was made specifically with children ignoring parents in mind, it’s pretty ingenious and comes from a best hearted kind of place.


A mom from Houston, Sharon Standifird worked with developers to create the app called ‘Ignore no more’. If a child is ignoring texts and/or calls from a parent, it gives the parents control over the child’s smartphone, shutting down their ability to do anything on the phone except call 911 and access a list of pre-approved contacts, which they must call  in order to receive the password to unlock their phone.


This of course could get a lil’ messy if it falls into the hands of the wrong people. We can think of a few people who could benefit from their phone shutting down when they ignore us…  Does that make us the wrong people? I think it does…


Ignore No More costs $1.99 and whilst currently only available for Androids, the iPhone version is in the works and will be released soon, so keep an eye out for it!




App of the Day – ladies only edition!



Ladies! Who wants to talk about periods?







Um, well doctors and parents should probably want to talk about them we guess? But otherwise, it’s kind of a pain in the womb that we live with and that’s that. But is it? We’re aware that a lot of girls  haven’t had the opportunity to understand or learn properly about their cycle until well into womanhood and sometimes beyond and that affects their lives in ways they probably haven’t thought about.  A lot of women will also not truly understand their period cycle and how it works when it comes to fertility- something that’s not a huge concern, UNTIL IT IS!


Welcome, then, the period tracker app, Clue.  A beautifully designed app that will track your cycle initially using an algorithm and worldwide data before intuitively learning your unique personal data based on your entries relating to your period length and flow, pain, mood swings, PMS,  and sexual activity.


The app will then alert you as to when and what to expect of all of the above, becoming more accurate the more you use it, as well as alerting you to fertility windows. It also includes education materials relating to your period including in-depth explanations of what exactly is going on in your body, medical terminology definitions, what’s considered normal, etc.


Free from the App store, Clue is an excellent tool for all the ladies, from beginners up through all the roles we play in life as women. Just don’t think about how many cycles that is, because that’s just insane. You insane person.




Speckled bush cricket by Johan J.Ingles-Le Nobel is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

App of the Day





Today’s Apps of the day is a little aestheticentric ( yes, we made that word up, and yes, we’re using it from now on) but, for some people,  pretty goshdarnit useful..




We’re talking NAILS ladies ( & gentlemen!), specifically the OPI App. It’s pretty nice technology with a clean interface, and serves it’s purpose remarkably well. The purpose being making choosing your next nail color purchase easier, obviously. Because that debacle is a hard one, y’all.


Using this app you can try out hundreds of OPI’s nail colors before you buy, adjusting skin tone and nail length to suit your own , as well as marking shades as favorites and of course, keep up with all the important OPI news. Because that’s a thing.


Pretty nails for everyone!!




More light greens by ballekarina is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0