Posts tagged: iPhone 5 new features

iPhone 5 review pt 2



The New iPhone 5 Features

Now that we’ve looked at the physical features of the iPhone 5, lets have a look at the real magic, the stuff that actually takes you where you want to be.


We’ll start with what is specific to the iPhone 5, then we’ll look at the what comes with the new operating system update- iOS 6.


Along with being larger, the iPhone 5 screen has the ability to be 18% brighter than the 4S.


It has built in wireless LTE technology that connects to faster networks so that you get much faster browsing, access to emails, etc. It also includes Wi-Fi N support which allows incredibly fast wireless connection to 5GHz networks, which means faster downloads, streaming and browsing when connected wirelessly AND gives you a better range for connecting to more wireless access points from greater distances.


This technology combined with the new processer in the 5 makes the device noticeably faster and more efficient, and according to Apple, twice as fast as the 4S. Snazzy.


The camera on the iPhone 5 is much improved, with better HDR, faster picture taking speeds and the ability to take panoramic photos of up to  240 degrees. You just watch, the next trip you go on- all your photos will end up panoramic. It’s kind of addictive.


The audio quality is significantly improved on the 5, with higher fidelity speakers that are not only louder but carry a much better sound quality. There are also three microphones on the 5, which help with noise cancellation and improve video sound quality.


Overall the iPhone 5 proves to be simply a better, faster, and more efficient user experience. Seemingly small changes have noticeably improved the phone greatly from previous models- and that’s before we even look at the improvements that come with the new iOS 6 operating system- over 200 new features– stay tuned!

The iPhone 5, Whatsup?



So now that we’re past the anticipation, the big event, the jubilation and by some accounts the disappointment, how is the iPhone 5 really doing? Is it better? As good as expected?


Articles leaking the new software and hardware features of the phone were building public anticipation right up until the announcement. Although most of those proved correct and worth the excitement, marking massive improvements to the 4s, there was some disappointment that there wasn’t a huge secret feature that Apple had managed to keep a secret.


Nevertheless, due to sly marketing or actual unexpected demand that led to limited supply, the iPhone 5 sold out in it’s presales in unprecedented time. Two million phones in about an hour starting at midnight September 14th twice the number of the presales for the 4s. In the three days following the actual release on Sept 21, Apple says they sold over 5 million more iPhones. AT&T are saying that it was the biggest iPhone launch by a long shot.


So, all pretty good.  There were, of course, those who said that the numbers were disappointing, that the device wasn’t worth any of the anticipation, etc, etc, those damn Samsung owners, so used to complaining they don’t know something to be happy about when they see it.


And here is what to be happy about: The new Features of the iPhone 5


Let’s look at the hardware first- after-all, first impressions only happen once right?


It looks great. Like, great. Still available in black and white, with the outside frame made completely from aluminium and glass. It’s pretty.


The iPhone 5 is 20% lighter than the 4s and by gosh you can feel it… It almost feels like a child’s toy in your hand, except much, much more serious. And sexy. A lot of the lightness has to do with the thinness of the device- 7.6 mm. Smooth all over. Fitting to the hand, no matter the hand.


The height has been increased to 4 inches, enabling the screen to contain more content- more icons, emails, calendar, and it makes watching movies a lot better. Awesomely, Apple have managed to keep retina display  effect- continuing the iPhone’s dominance in sharp high resolution screen display.


Apple kept the width of the iPhone the same as previous models, which has faced some contention, with people ( Even Steven Wozniak) stating that they believe it should have gone wider or stayed with the width and height. In saying that, the retained width and the increased height makes it seem not only a better device than the 4s but also remains the one-hand manageability.


Lastly, the iPhone jack has moved, making it more pocket friendly, and the dock shape has changed from a 30 pin dock to an 8 pin dock called lightening. Excellent news overall, somewhat dampened by the added expense and somewhat relative bother of buying and using adapters. But, there’s only one way forward, and in the pursuit of excellence, sometimes you gotta buy adaptors.


So, that’s the physical- see it, breathe it and touch it iPhone 5 features. Stay tuned for the software specs, a look at Apple’s Maps V Google Maps and how YOU can profit from buying the new iPhone 5. (This one’s important… just so you know…)

Awesome Sneak Peaks of iPhone 5 (3D Images)

iPhone 5 in White

Today, we’ve got some really excellent models of the iPhone 5 that have been drawn up.  This is exactly how we imagine the iPhone 5 will look and given that several parts have been leaked, it seems like they match this quite well and it is highly likely the iPhone will be almost exactly the same as these models.

Looks pretty sharp in our opinion.  As you can see, the screen is just a tad longer, bringing the display to about 4″ with a full 16×9 view for movies.  Additionally, there is the new smaller dock port on the bottom, next to the headphone port which has been relocated from the top of the iPhone to the bottom.  Other than that it looks pretty similar to the last model of iPhone with the exception of the metal back as opposed to the previous glass backing (which tended to crack).

Overall, we’re pretty excited!

iPhone 5 in White
iPhone 5 in White
iPhone 5 in Black
iPhone 5 in Black
iPhone 5 in Black
Via 9to5Mac

Apple iPhone 5: New features and rumors

Guys, with the potential release date of iPhone 5 approaching we are having a lot of news (and rumors too!) and we thought of sharing some of those here.


iphone 5: Home Button to go?


iPhone 5: Revamped Home Button and bigger display


Well, the home button has been an integral part of iPhones for the last five years or so. But according to information we are having, Apple is looking forward to drop the Home button and replace it by two buttons on the side of the iPhone.


The idea of replacing the Home Button with alternative buttons on the side of the iPhone dates back to the concept of AppAdvice—to distinguish ‘the next big thing’ from predecessor iPhone 4. Though there’s not much info we can offer at this point of time, but it sounds like when the two buttons are pressed at once would act like the home Button we are familiar with. Alongside this, these buttons would be individual functions, details of which we do not know yet.


Other big developments we are expecting include a bigger display, possibly a 4.6-inch one; much bigger than 3.5inch iPhones we are using these days and also an OLED display replacing the LCD. This may be an attempt of Apple to keep up with other smartphones manufacturers, who seems to have been poised to make bigger screens. On the LCD to OLED move, going by Samsung’s recent switch to OLED and Apple’s heavy investment in OLED technology since last year; it seems likely.


Apple iPhone 5 to sport Liquidmetal casing: Reports

According to industry insiders’ iPhone 5, set to hit the market later this year will be sporting a ‘Liquidmetal’ casing—giving the next iPhone a sleek and much more robust look.


iPhone 5 going Liquidmetal?

iPhone 5: Apple looking forward to metallic glass

There are reports emerging that the next Apple iPhone is switching over to a casing of ‘metallic glasses’ better known as Liquidmetal, in an effort to cut down the thickness of the handset as also enhanced durability.


Well, this metallic glass developed by California Institute of Technology is no new; the amorphous metal alloy has been in commercial usage since 2003. After its wide application in boiler tubes, petroleum drills and sporting accessories like golf ball cores and tennis rackets it looks like a surety to make inroads into the iPhone casings too.


Apple following Sandisk: Casing to embrace Liquidmetal

You excited Apple’s gonna introduce a unique stuff in gadget world? Hold on guys, that’s not the case.

Sandisk has already been using Liquidmetal in their Cruzer Titanium Flash for a long time. Well, they are strong, sleek and sporting—no doubt about that. But there’s a catch! Owing to a mix of Titanium, zirconium, copper, nickel and niobium, Liquidmetal posses a unique property of holding elastic energy—it exhibits bouncing effect. The implication is simple, it’s hard and durable for sure, but while dropped it may lead to bouncing of the iPhone–multiplying the chances of a shattered display.


But guys, Apple has surely taken note of that too. Perhaps, it not the durability of Liquidmetal that has got Apple engineers interested—rather it’s the high strength-weight ratio that have caught their eyes. Apple Inc. have secured the exclusive license to use Liquidmetal in consumer electronics (Swatch held the same for timepieces)—there’s must have enough reason to make the investment.

What’s your take on Liquidmetal iPhone casing? Feel free to drop in your thoughts.