Posts tagged: iPhone 5

Apple might replace your iPhone 5 battery?




Have you found that your iPhone 5 isn’t running as well as you thought it would? Getting sctick at the playground/water cooler for your phone battery always dying? Have you become one of those people who always has to ask for chargers? Well, we could have some good news for you.


If you purchased your iPhone 5 between September 2012 and January 2013, you may be part of the very small percentage of people who who were sold devices with faulty batteries and who are now eligible for a free battery replacement from Apple.


If your phone is experiencing battery problems and is otherwise in working order, go on over to Apple’s eligibility website here, fill in your device’s serial number and WHAMMO you can see if you’re eligible for battery replacement.


To find your serial number, tap Settings > General > About.


If you are eligible, there are a number of options for replacing the battery listed so you can find the best option for you.


Congratulations! You might not be that guy anymore! Hooray!




Low Battery by Paul Swansen is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Apple replacing sleep/wake buttons on some iPhone 5 models!



Has the sleep/wake button on your iPhone 5 stopped working? Thought it was a lost cause? There might be some hope yet!


Apple has released a statement to The Loop regarding a recall of some iPhone 5 models because of broken sleep/wake buttons, which means if you are one of the device owners affected- you could get it replaced for free.


Here’s the lowdown-


You’ll need to enter your iPhone’s serial number here to see if your device is one of those affected by the recall.


If your phone is affected and you want to get it fixed for free ( duh) you can bring it to any Apple Retail Store or Apple Authorized Service provider. Your device will have to be sent away to an Apple repair centre to be fixed, however it is believed that for the interim some Apple stores are lending customers iPhone 5 16Gb models. You can also mail your device directly to the repair centre if you’d like.


According to Apple your device will take 4-6 days from the time it is received until it is returned to you, and all customers should back up all their data and erase all content and setting before sending it in to get fixed. All devices that receive a new sleep/wake button will be updated to iOS 7.


If you’ve got an iPhone 5 that is affected by this recall and you’ve already paid for an out-of-warranty replacement, you should contact an Apple customer service rep to ask for a refund.


This recall and placement program will be effective for 2 years after the initial retail purchase of your device.


According to some reports there are stores that are offering customers affected by the recall  a $350 upgrade credit for a new device, but you must specifically ask for it, your phone must be in perfect condition other than the sleep/wake button, and it’s of course not guaranteed.


By the way, why doesn’t Apple have a cooler name for that button? Writing sleep/wake button over and over has cemented the fact that it’s a pretty stupid name. It should be called, like, the enforcer button or something. Just saying, Apple.


Good luck Guys! Let us know how you go if this recall applies to you!




Image courtesy of Techcrunch

What’s the top selling Smartphone of the last 3 months?



A dude named T. Michael Walkley, an analyst over at Canaccord Genuity did some counting, as analysts do, and figured out the top selling Smart phone at AT&T, Verizon, Sprint and T-Mobile for the months September, October and November of this year.


And the winner is?



The iPhone 5S!




Here’s the figures! (Via Appleinsider.)



Carrier Sales



The figures were following the same trend last year, with the iPhone 5 being the top selling smartphone of the last quarter of 2012, followed by the Samsung Galaxy S III, and then the iPhone 4 and 4S.


Yay iPhone 5S!




Images courtesy of  Youtube & Afuntab.

New iPhone 5C Ad screened during the Emmy’s



Apple released another iPhone 5C ad in the middle of the Emmy’s but we were too busy celebrating Breaking Bad FINALLY winning something and feeling weird about Claire Danes dress and wishing we were cool celebrities who get to dress up and be fancy with champagne and gold trophies and stuff.


Oh, you guys too? Yeah, we thought so. So here’s the ad again.



Now everyone go buy some cheap champagne and pretend you’re a witty fancy dressed up celebrity RIGHT NOW!




Image courtesy of

iPhone 5 response time is soo much better than the other guys





Just like this guy, Apple’s hard work has paid off with a win! Probably not going to be seeing Tim Cook in an orange G-Sting accepting a big ‘ol gold medal though, which is… good.


A company called Agawi tested all the major Smartphones to see the time lapsed between when a user touches the screen to when the device responded to the touch.


They did this using a camera that captures 240 frames per second – super fast – alongside their own custom made device called a TouchMark.  Using this technology they were able to measure what they call a Minimum App Response Time, or MART.


The MART is how long it takes the device to respond, as above. The smaller the MART, the better the device’s screen response.






OK, ok. Geez.



Apple’s iPhone demonstrated a MART of 55 milliseconds. The next closest competitor was… the iPhone 4.



Samsung’s Galaxy S4 had a MART of 114ms. The Lumia 928 had a MART time of 117ms, the HTC One had a MART of 121ms and the Moto X came in so slowwwwly at 123ms.




Rohan Relan, the Agawi CEO, spoke to Venturebeat and had this to say about the results.


“App responsiveness is judged by how quickly the app can respond to your inputs, smartphones with touchscreens that have lower MART scores feel snappier. This is probably why, to many users, the iPhone keyboard feels more responsive than an Android phone keyboard.”



Agawi has not yet tested the iPhone 5C or iPhone 5S, but plans are in motion to do so. They also advised that further testing is necessary.



… But we’re pretty sure the initial testing sounds about right.







Images courtesy of  The Honolulu Advertiser & Macrumors

Deal of the day



Listen up kids! One most excellent deal of the day, brought to you by AT&T.


Online only, for a limited time and with waived activation, you can now get a new phone on a 2 year contract for HALF the price at AT&T. That’s  a HALF price discount. Divided by two, people.


Here’s how you get it:


Step 1. Choose a smartphone priced between $0.99 and $199.99 ( we’d say go for the iPhone 5. Wait, was that obvious?…).

Step 2. Magic! ( also…choosing an appropriate plan and stuff)

Step 3. You get a 50% discount automatically applied to the phone in your shopping cart.



So, iPhone Antidote, can you give me an example?


We sure can guys! This means that you can get a 16gb iPhone 5 for only $100! That’s RAD!



You wanna know what else would be rad?  I got a couple more steps for you…


1. Buy shiny new iPhone online using 50% discount. Laugh maniacally.

2. Send us your old stinky iPhone. Laugh maniacally.

3. We give you a bunch of cash for stinky old iPhone, and hey, that new phone cost you next to nothing! LAUGH MANIACALLY.


This deal is only available online and for a limited time so get your butts into gear! As always, terms and conditions apply, check out the deal here:




Image courtesy of Forbes.



100 million iPod Touch’s sold and a new, cheaper update released!


Another milestone for Apple- they’ve just sold their 100 millionth iPod touch! That’s like, 5 iPod touches for everyone in Australia! Yay!


The device has been around since 2007 and the latest update has just been released last Thursday- with interesting results.


The updated iPod only comes in two colors, is only 16GB and has no rear facing camera. That all sounds …a little bit bleh, until you discover the reason for this is the lowered price- now only $229 compared to the 32Gb at $299 and the 64Gb at $399.


Selling cheaper versions of their products has been something that Apple seemed to have shied away from previously. Now however, with this cheaper iPod update, it seems like the first steps for Apple in trying to provide a bigger price scale of their product line to reach more people.


This gives credence to the rumors that Apple is planning to bring out a less expensive version of the iPhone.


According to Analysts, an ‘iPhone mini’ will be announced in July, called such not in reference to size, but in price- with guestimates pointing at a price tag of about $350- $400 to buy outright.


That’s a pretty penny saved compared to the price of the iPhone 5 which is currently $700-$900.


Just like Apple, we’ll have to wait and see if this iPod touch product meets with enough success in sales to know if the move to provide cheaper Apple products is a good path to take.

The risk of trying out this path is that people might rather stick to what they know, be it more expensive Apple products with all the bells and whistles, or another cheaper brand that is already established in that price range.


We vote… good move, Apple!




Image courtesy of

Know someone who broke their phone this weekend?

So, three day weekend, huh? Did everyone have a good time? Yeah? Party? Yeah?


Well here’s a story from our weekend for you.


One of iPhone Antidote’s friends was having a really good time, a couple of kegs were involved, a flip was attempted, and, as you do, the dude tried to take a video of said flip. On his iPhone 5. Whilst he was doing a drunken flip.


Needless to say, it was hilarious. Also; now he has an iPhone that looks like this:




Good thing he’s friends’ with iPhone Antidote, cos he just sold that stinky broken phone to us, and now he has this instead:


And that bag holds exactly $325 cash! Happy friend.


Do you guys know of anyone who may have committed a similar party foul this weekend? Let them know that they can be a friend of iPhone Antidote too!


We’ll make it allll better. With money of course! And… maybe a video of a dude trying to do a flip. Trust us, it is really hilarious.





Who got an iPhone 5?

Now that you have a new iPhone, Sell Your Old iPhone!


Who got an iPhone 5 today? Who got any new iPhone? Lucky bastards!


Well, here’s a way to earn good karma, give back to the world, and earn some sweet cash on top of it all.


Recycling your stinky old iPhone with the iPhone Antidote is the best way to sell your old iPhone, no matter what condition it’s in. We accept broken, water damaged, cracked, used and new iPhones, and with quote prices guaranteed, we offer you 40% more money for your iPhone than the nearest iPhone buyback program on the Internet.


We’re a fast and  reliable company  that is interested in creating the best possible experience for our valued customers. We want to give you cash, and we want to do it easily and quickly.


So what are you waiting for? Simply go to our quote page, fill in the details of you old iPhone, print off a shipping label, and send it in to us. Sit around and play with your new iPhone 5 for a few days (bastard) and then go spend your cash! Go! Seriously, dude… go.



Apple Maps for iOS 6 review


So, Apple Maps. Garnering a lot of press and a lot of anti-apple ammo, maps was the rather large hiccup of the iPhone 5 release. The premise made sense- take the advantage of owning one of the biggest and most useful apps away from one of their biggest competitors- Google. If they had the brainpower, they could build their own version. And they did, built using Dutch navigation equipment and Tom Tom’s Data.


And it works. Just not… perfectly. Yet. Soon after the release the internet was flooded with screenshots showing the inaccuracy of the application, from wrong destination information to odd looking buildings, roadways etc. Stating that your destination was in the ocean 10 miles out is not very good for a maps application. Unfortunatley the more humerous the inaccuracy, the worse it was for Apple- and anyone relying on the app to get them somewhere…


So. The app itself is not quite fully formed. It does, however, work very well for a lot of people. Here at iPhone Antidote we have used it extensively- across two countries, in the city and in the middle of nowhere, and have only come across one inaccuracy. Don’t get us wrong- there are  apparently lots out there, we just haven’t happened across a lot of them.


Disregarding the flaws for a moment-  the features of Maps are great- turn by turn directions, voice intergration, flyover and vector based maps. The 3D looks brilliant, vibrant and lifelike, and it’s really fun to play with- the pivoting action of being able to rotate the point of view and zoom out so you can play with the whole globe is stupidly fun. A lot of people find the interface a lot simpler to use and more pleasing to the eye.


It’s definitely something that holds promise, which, yeah, is not really what you want with a cornerstone feature of a new operating system. You want that shit dialed in.
So, Good Guy Apple organizes a press release where they tell their own customers that they made a mistake in releasing their maps too early, that they were sorry, and advised them to go to their competitors- please. They showed remarkable customer service by admitting their mistake and doing the right thing for their customers.


Apple have told their customers that they are improving maps and that the problems like buildings or roadways looking a bit funny will be fixed by user feedback, so an increasingly perfected system. Until that point is reached, we suggest using Apple maps until you run into a problem, then using Google maps as a backup. To do this- go to google maps in safari, and you will be prompted to ‘save as an app for your mobile’ by touching the arrow on the bottom and choosing the option to add to homescreen.


Happy travelling.