Posts tagged: New release

Looking to upgrade to an iPhone 6S? Read this!

iphon 6c


It’s everyone’s favorite time of year! iPhone upgrade time hoorah! In 5 days Apple will be announcing the new models of iPhone, expected to be the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus with a number of software improvements that will no doubt make your life better (Yeah, we’re talking to you, over there, with the sexy hair).


We’re talking significant camera improvements, a new A9 chip to make it faster, more powerful and more fancy, Forcetouch (You may know that from the Apple Watch), improved touch ID and a shiny new rose gold color.




So you want one, right? Nay, you deserve one! Look at your stinky old iPhone just sitting there being all not rose gold with no Force Touch and a boring old not as good camera. What a jerk.


It’s ok though, because we can help! Send the stinky old iPhone to us! We’ll make sure that jerk is properly cared for, send him to a nice big ‘ol green farm with lots of other stinky old iPhones to play with! AND we’ll give you cash to help you upgrade to the new shiny iPhone!


Sweet deal, right? All you have to do is enter your details here! We’ll send you a prepaid shipping box, drop that sucker in there and we’ll send you payment by Check, Paypal or Bitcoin! Easy! We’ll also never revalue your iPhone after you’ve sent it in – if it’s an used iPhone 6, we’ll pay you for a used iPhone 6. We’re just cool like that…


If you have any questions about selling your old, cracked, water damaged or broken iPhone, don’t hesitate to contact us  or leave a comment below.



iPhone Antidote can now pay you in Bitcoin!





In an industry first and JUST in time for the release of the iPhone 6, we are very pleased to announce that we can now pay you in BITCOIN for your stinky old iPhone!


This is the perfect time of year to sell you old, broken, or water damaged iPhone so that you can get some cash to go right ahead and get the shiny new iPhone 6! Either of them! Or both of them! (The iPhone 6, if you haven’t been following, is believed to be coming in two sizes – 4.7 inch and 5.5 inch.) The new iPhone will be announced on September 9th and is believed to be released the following 19th September which is sooooo sooooooon.


Which is why we got our butts into gear and got to work so that we could offer the wildest range of payment options in the tech buyback industry! 


If you sell your iPhone to us, you can now be paid via Check, PayPal or the crypto-currency Bitcoin.


Bitcoin originally started as a peer-to-peer payment system in 2009, and although unregulated by a central bank or entity, Bitcoin is now beginning to be accepted widely in the commercial marketplace, from pizza here in San Francisco, to flights in Europe, electronics at TigerDirect, furniture at and even in the real estate market.  


Bitcoin is an especially good payment option for our customers here at iPhone Antidote since the payments are INSTANT and completely irreversible. You don’t need to wait for the check to clear or for the PayPal funds to be available and once the funds are in your account, they’re staying there.


Sweet, right?


We want to give you guys the best service possible, which means keeping up with the innovations of the tech arena and giving you the best payment options, just in time for the release of the new iPhone! Because we LOVE you guys!


EVEN BETTER is that you will get a $10 bonus when you enter in the promo code ‘bitcoin10’ and choose bitcoin as your payment method. This offer is for a limited time only, but will continue over the MOST IMPORTANT time, i.e., the release of the new iPhone. Get in on this deal before September 30th, 2014.


To find out more about Bitcoin, go here!  And to start the process of selling your iPhone to us, click on over here! Get an instant quote, prepaid mailer to your door and MONEY in your hot little hands in days!




Exciting tool revealed in iOS 8 Beta 5 released today!

This morning, Apple released the Beta 5 update to iOS 8 as well as OS X 10.10 Yosemite Developer preview 5 to developers. Aside from being good news indicating that things appear to be moving along relatively smoothly with the new iOS, there is something we think is particularly exciting being reported about the updates in iOS 8 Beta 5.


What’s so exciting iPhone Antidote? Well, kids, Healthkit now includes the addition of Spirometry.


Uh…. wha?


Spirometry! Apart from being an excellent word to say, (c’mon, say it aloud, you know it’ll make you feel good..) spirometry is the most common of the pulmonary function tests measuring lung function. It’s an important tool used for generating pneumotachographs, which are helpful in assessing conditions such as asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


We hate ALL those stupid things, so spirometry is a tool we’re excited to hear will be included in iOS 8.


The Health app was also updated with new icons for Body data, Data Exporting, and a new option for showing Medical ID on Emergency Lock screen. Those things are cool too, we guess.



Image from page 569 of “The science and practice of medicine” (1866) by Internet Book Archive Images is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

ioS 8!

Welcome to the new iOS 8! As well as a bright new user interface update, iOS 8 will bring to our phones a new level of sharing – between family members, between app developers and between iDevices and Macs.


We’re pretty excited about the new software functionality this operating system is promising, and below you will find a comprehensive outline of everything ( that we know of so far) that iOS 8 will bring to your lives with it’s release in the Fall.



New Spotlight


The search function in iOS is called Spotlight, and with iOS 8 it brings a much broader ability to search, both on your iDevice and on the internet. For example -type in a term and you can see a part of a Wikipedia article, including a picture and a short summary. Tap it, and Spotlight takes you to the full article.



Spotlight will also show you search results like trending topics, popular websites, nearby restaurants with phone number and hours of business that can connect you to maps,  search results within the iTunes Store or the App store, and search results for movie times.



It seems like there is a slight crossover with Siri’s functionality in the new Spotlight, but making things easier all round can only be good!





Messaging gets a lovely new overhaul with iOS 8!  Starting off impressively is the new ability to add video and audio messages. Simply touch and hold the new microphone button to record your message, and swipe to send. on the other end, to hear a message, you can now hold your iPhone to your ear and listen or just tap the play button next to the message.



All messages, text, video and audio, will now have the option to be deleted automatically, or within a time period ranging from a year to forever.



With iOS 8 you will be able to create larger and better controlled group conversation threads where people can be added and can leave at their leisure. Group conversations can be named for an event or experience, the attachments can be seen all in one place rather than opening them one at a time, and you can put the conversation on ‘Do Not Disturb’ so you can read the thread when you want without being, well, disturbed.



A new option with messaging which I’m sure teenagers are just going to love is the new location services within the messaging app. It is of course just that – an option – to show others that your are messaging where you are ( and if you really are studying in the library with Rachel, why do you have your location option switched off? HUH? uh oh).



Other than that, we can see this addition promising to be very useful. You can show your location with individuals or everyone for an hour, until the end of the day, or indefinitely.



Finally, a small but lovely touch is the new ability to send multiple photos and videos at once through messaging. YAY Let’s bombard EVERYONE WITH SO MANY CAT PHOTOS AND PHOTOS OF THOSE SWEET MOUNTAINS WE SAW ON OUR VACATION!





The new Health app gives you an easy-to-read dashboard of all of your health and fitness data (Think heart rate, calories burned, blood sugar, cholesterol etc) . This data can be collected ( if you choose) from 3rd party sources and apps such as Nike, Fitbit, FitnessPal, medical devices etc and shown here consolidated for you and others ( again, if you choose) to access. This can mean that your Doctor or fitness specialist can be notified when something is wrong, or if you’ve hit a certain metric or met a goal.


Apple has been working  with the Mayo Clinic working towards what they say will  ‘bridge the gap between patients, doctors, and health-tracking devices…with ‘the potential to revolutionize how the health industry works.’



With health in iOS 8 you can create an emergency card  with all of your vital medical information ( think blood type, allergies, medications) that’s accessible from your Lock screen.



Despite all of the focus on Apple’s health related initiative before WWDC, the company spent very little time going over the Health app. It is likely we’ll see an additional focus on Health in the coming months as it is likely to also integrate with Apple’s much-rumored wearable device, the iWatch.





Siri gets several updates with the ability to be invoked hands-free with the phrase “Hey, Siri” along with Shazam song recognition, 22 new dictation languages, as well as streaming voice recognition to show you guys search results as you speak. In order to preserve battery life, Apple requires that the device be plugged into power for “Hey Siri” to work.



Notification Interaction


When a notification comes up on your phone, from Facebook, Skype, Messages,  Calendar – whatever- you will now be able to respond those notifications without leaving the app you’re already in. Hoo- RAH! Such a small thing, that will make it so incredibly less frustrating than before!





Now from your inbox, you can swipe to mark an email as read or flag it for follow-up. Jump between a draft email and an email in your inbox super easily, and when you get a reservation, flight confirmation or phone number in an email, a notification appears. Just tap to add an event to your calendar or a phone number to your contacts.



Safari in iPad


Just like above, you can now see all your tabs on your iPad, just like on your iPhone. You can see all your open web pages with tabs from the same site grouped together. There’s also a new Sidebar that slides out to reveal your bookmarks, Reading List, and Shared Links.



Home Button


From any screen, press the Home button twice to see the multitasking interface which now comes complete with a few friendly faces. These are the people you’ve recently talked to and if you swipe to the right — your favorite contacts as well. Just tap one to call, text, or start a FaceTime call.


New keyboards


QuickType is the new predictive text and something we’re sure will change the way we communicate. We can also see it being comedian’s late night fodder for sure, but until then – it’s a clever and useful feature of iOS 8.  As you use the new keyboard over time, it will learn the way you communicate, get to know your favorite phrases, and suggest options for the logical next word that adapts to the current context with the caveat that those words change, depending on who you are talking to. The iOS 8 predictive text engine is optimized for 14 countries.


Apple is also going to allow users to install third-party keyboards for the first time, which means keyboards like Swype can be used natively on the operating system.



Family Sharing


Family sharing is pretty cool. Up to six people in your family can share all kinds of things across their devices. This includes: calendar information and purchases from iTunes, iBooks, and the App Store, (with the ability to pay for family purchases with the same credit card and approve kids’ spending right from a parent’s device.) You will be able to automatically set up a family photo stream where you can share photos, videos, and comments. And everything stays up to date on everyone’s devices.


Family Sharing can automatically share your location with your family members and show you where they are. You can hide your location too… because that’s not suspicious or anything.



iCloud Drive 


You can safely store all your presentations, spreadsheets, PDFs, images, and any other kind of document in iCloud, access them and work on them live from your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, Mac, or PC.



Using iCloud Drive means you’ll always have access to the latest version of all your documents from any device.


What’s really cool is that now your apps will be able to share files, which means you can access and work on the same file across multiple apps. The example Apple gave is this: you can create a drawing in a sketching app, then open it in a paint app to color it in. Or create a chart in one app and place it in a slideshow using a presentation app. No more making copies or importing documents from one app to another. It’s a whole new level of collaboration between apps.



Cross platform interaction


Um, what? You can do what now? Yass. Now you can make and receive phone calls on all of your devices and your Mac as long as your iPhone running iOS 8 is on the same Wi-Fi network. Incoming calls show the caller’s name, number, and profile picture. Just click or swipe the notification to answer, ignore, or respond with a quick message. It all works with your existing iPhone number, so there’s nothing to set up.




PERSONAL HOTSPOT WHAT. If you’re out of Wi-Fi range but your iPhone is close by, your iPad or Mac will now be able to connect to your phone’s new personal hotspot to surf the interwebs and all that cool internet type stuff.




This is a new programming language that Apple has introduced, which for developers, is pretty dope. For the general population, it’s also pretty dope, but on a different level. What it comes down to for you guys – apps for iOS 8 will be better. Which we like.




Extras We’ve learnt about since the WWDC keynote !



iPads will gain the ability to take Panoramic photos like the iPhone, while the Camera will gain an instant burst mode, a timer mode, and separate controls for focus and exposure. iBooks will support an auto night mode and the ability to organize books by series, while notifications will include travel time.



A mysterious Tips app, which was first depicted in an early screenshot of iOS 8, is also mentioned, though it is unclear what this app will do. It is possible Tips will provide iOS users with information on lesser known iOS features, serving as a tutorial app for those who want to learn the ins and outs of their devices.



So there you go, guys, iOS 8. Overall we’re really quite impressed, and very much looking forward to it’s release in the Fall. Apple developers have access to iOS 8 and will be working on creating awesome apps for the update so we can use the operating system precisely how Apple planned. It will, of course, be free.



The only downfall of iOS 8 – Those of you who have an iPhone 4, it doesn’t appear as if iOS 8 will be compatible. . Soooo… you guys…. have you heard about the new iPhone 6 that’s coming?



Stay tuned for our comprehensive outline of OS X Yosemite – and let us know if you have any questions about iOS 8 and we’ll try and answer them as best we can!!






New MacBook Airs released!


Apple just launched updated MacBook Airs! The good news? The main gist is that they’re faster and cheaper. Sweet deal, right?


All new standard MacBook Airs will feature faster 1.4 GHz dual-core Intel Core i5 processors and will come at a price $100 less than previously. The battery is also said to last up to 1 hour longer on the 11 -inch and 2 hours on the 13-inch.


Philip Schiller, Apple’s Senior Vice president of WorldWide marketing has said this about the updated Airs:


“With MacBook Air starting at $899, there’s no reason to settle for anything less than a Mac. Macs have never been more popular, and today we’ve boosted the performance and lowered the price of MacBook Air so even more people can experience the perfect everyday notebook.”


Here are the new specs:




You can get your hot little hands on an updated MacBook Air RIGHT NOW through Apple’s retail or online stores.


A hot tip courtesy of the good guys over at – Refurbished MacBook Air computers have dropped to incredibly low prices, with an 11-inch 2012 model available starting at $599 and 2013 models available starting at $719.


And from the guys at Slickdeals –  People are picking up some great deals. Like this one: “Just picked up the mid-2013 macbook for $705 Open box. It’s $750 New w/ student discount ( if you have a .edu email address). ”


Super awesome deals to be had!


Images courtesy of Apple & 9to5mac

New commercial for iPhone 5C


Here’s Apple’s new commercial for the iPhone 5C, celebrating all that is smooth, smooth colorful plastic. It also comes with a groovy little song.









Video courtesy of Apple.

38 hours left guys



As of right now, there is just 38 hours left (PST) until the Apple doors open at 8AM Friday the 20th September, 2013. That’s local time.


And you guys know what happens when those doors open, right? A big hoard of Geniuses will be standing there looking, let’s admit it, a little creepy, a little worried and very, very smiley. Kind of like this, but holding iPhones instead.





If you’ve lined up, kudos! Look at you being all dedicated! You get to be first! Being first is pretty good. I hope you guys get a medal as well as a shiny new iPhone.





If you didn’t line up, well, you’ll probably still get to see and even buy a shiny new iPhone 5s.  Probably don’t deserve a medal though, sorry guy.


Either way- here’s what you need to know. According to 9to5mac, 3 out of 4 units available at the Apple stores will be Space grey, so if you’re after Gold or Silver, they might be a bit harder to get your hands on.


16Gb and 32Gb options will be more readily available, as will phones on contract to AT&T.  The iPhone 5S is predicted to sell out in store quite quickly, so be ready guys!


Don’t forget, the iPhone 5S will also be available to order online at 12:01 A.M. on Friday.









Images courtesy of and

How to get your hands on a 5S



The iPhone 5C has been available for pre order for more than a few hours now, but what about the 5S?


In an unprecedented move, Apple is not offering the iPhone 5S for pre order.





We know. Instead, customers will have to wait for the 20th of September when the 5S will be available for purchase in two ways-


1, You can purchase your new shiny iPhone 5S online after 12:01 AM on September the 20th. So, like, wait until 11PM on the 19th, wait an hour, BAM IPHONE 5S.


2, The 5S will also be available for purchase in Apple retail stores, starting 8AM. It’s too early to tell if there will be lines at this stage, but cross your fingers. Unless you like that kind of thing. Lining up, we mean.


If you do, more power to you! Send us a pic of you standing in line, and not only will we feature you in the blog, but if you use our service to sell your stinky old iPhone, we’ll give you $5 extra on your quote!





Images courtesy of imore &




Images courtesy of

The iPhone 5C pre order stock is getting low in what color?







Like the submarine, man.




We certainly would not have guessed that this would be the first color to be running low, but there it is.


If you go to pre order the yellow 16Gb iPhone 5C SIM free right now, you’ll see that the shipping date slips past the 20th of September to being available to ship by the 25th of September.


There doesn’t seem to be any indication from Apple yet just how many pre order’s for the iPhone 5C have been registered so far.


We’ll just have to wait and see how many folks caught the 5C fever!





Image courtesy of Appleinsider

The Ultimate iPhone 5S & iPhone 5C Rundown (Full Specs)



So, today’s the day, huh?




I’m sorry, we’re a little bit excited over here.


So, hey, WHATSUP.


At 10am pacific time Apple held a special media event at their town hall auditorium in Cupertino, California.


Everyone was VERY excited,  even though the select few members of the press who were super special enough to be invited didn’t really show their excitement very well. Here are some of them lined up like they’re waiting for a bus, instead of shiny new iPhones!! Silly super special people!



BUT! Then they went inside…. 


Inside, Tim cook, Craig Federighi, a few special guests, and ( sadly, only) videos of Jony Ive were awaiting.




We got ourselves a shiny-ass brand spanking new iPhone 5S AND a pretty bubbly multicolored sparkly iPhone 5C!




Now, this is the part where we say a lot of words about hardware and software specs and you skim through and judge whether you’re going to want one, or whether you’re gonna want to complain about it not being up to par with expectations and in line with what other smart phone giants are doing with their tech.


Here’s our opinion on that, first up. We… we want one. Of both. We don’t know how to justify that, but we do.


There was a few surprises, which is always great considering the multitude of leaks that appeared in the weeks leading up to this event. We got a few things that we were expecting, and a few other things that Apple kept up their sleeves like the crafty tech magicians that they are.


Tim Cook started things off, as he usually does, and he did so by talking about the iTunes Music Festival, which you can read about here.


He moved on to speak about how Apple retail is expanding, and how next month, Apple is forecasting that they will sell their 700 millionth iOS device. Millionth. Wowsers.


Craig Federighi got up and spoke about iOS 7, how awesome it is, and how with it you might miss your phone calls because of the new techno ringtones? He’d probably like our Skrillex blog soundtrack!


Tim then let everyone know that on any new iOS device sold, the following apps will be available to download for free- Keynote, Numbers, Pages, iMovie and iPhoto. SCORE!


Then they got down to business. You know the business. The iPhone business.  Two new designs.



The iPhone 5C



It’s pretty, guys. It’s really pretty. The 5C is made from one single hard-coated polycarbonate  surface with no seams, part lines or joins which has a reinforced steel structure on the inside. ( Polycarbonate is basically a plastic shell instead of aluminum).


It’s replacing the iPhone 5, however the 8Gb 4S will stay in the lineup as their low end model, offered for free on contract.


As expected, the 5C comes in a range of bright poppy rainbow bright colors that will no doubt attract many young rainbow bright individuals.Green, Yellow, Blue, White and a quite salmony looking red.



The phone has a 4 inch retina display, integrated touch, 8 megapixel camera, and is powered by the same chip as in the iPhone 5.


The 5C still has both rear and front facing cameras, so selfie takers can breathe a sigh of relief! The cameras are both still 5 megapixel and the back camera has a flash, so you don’t have to prepare yourself for any loss of quality.


It will also have slightly larger battery capacity and  a new HD Facetime camera.


This colorful sparkle pony will be offered in 16Gb  for $99 and 32Gb for $199 on a two year contract, with cases costing $29 each.


The cases-



So. It’s basically the iPhone 5, except slightly better, but more platsicky and colorful. We really like the idea of the seamless shell, and really wanna see if it lives up to our idea on how nice it would feel in the hand.


Jony Ive ( via video) said it perfectly- ” The iPhone 5C is beautifully, unapologetically plastic… It’s simpler, more essential, more capable and more colorful.”




The iPhone 5S


It’s really shiny looking. Also, according to Apple, “The most forward-thinking phone we’ve ever created.”


The 5S will come in three colors- Gold, Space Gray and Silver, and yes, although not called champagne, the gold is refined and ridiculously shiny and wanted.



The iPhone 5S has an A7 chip, and is the first smartphone ever to have one. The A7 is a modern instruction set, with 2x general purpose registers, 2x floating point registers, over 1 billion transistors and 100 square mm die size.  It has twice as many transistors for roughly the same size as the A6. It will have Xcode support, and it’s backwards-compatible. 32 and 64-bit.



This stuff? It means that this phone is hella fast, and hella powerful. The CPU performance is 40 times faster than the original iPhone, and half of that increase comes with the A7 chip. The graphics performance is 56 times the original iPhone. The phone will be significantly and noticeably faster and better at doing everyday operations.




The way they choose to show this? The announcement and demo of Infinity Blade 3, by Epic Games co-founder Donald Mustard. You can run 5 times faster on the 5S than on the iPhone 5, for example, and there is four times the detail on characters, such as this guy:




Infinity Blade 3  will be available alongside the iPhone 5s.


The iPhone 5S will also come with a chip called the M7 chip which measures motion continuously – it acts as an accelerometer, gyroscope, and as a compass support. It will also have a CoreMotion API  which will be able to identify your movement, if you’re running or driving, etc. Nike is coming out with an app called Nike + Move which will use these features to keep track of your activities.


Battery time is AWESOME! Just looky here:



The camera on the new iPhone is where a lot of the surprising and most welcome improvements (in our opinion) were made. The new camera has a 5 element Apple designed lens with f/2.2 aperture and 15% larger active sensor area.  It looks like this:



iOS 7 will automatically set white balance, exposure level and will pick the sharpest from a series of photos.


The duel LED flash is there, they’re calling it True Tone. It will allow of better low light photography and  will combine the two lights to get the right color balance for the room.



There is digital auto stabilization, and, something we love- burst mode.  If you hold the shutter down, the camera will take ten photos per second until you lift your finger off the button. It will also analyze all the burst shots and present which one it thinks is the best, whilst still storing the others.


SLO-MO!  Slo-mo  is supported you guys! That’s HD, 120 frames per second slo-mo we’re talking. That is so cool! You can even select which parts of your video you want in normal speed, and which parts in slo-mo. There’s going to be so many slo-mo you-tube videos this winter…. Cue snowballs to the face!


Finally, when you shoot panoramic shots, the camera can adjust the exposure automatically as you go along. Thank god, cos the sun just is not a team player when we shoot panoramic.



Ok, now for security- yeah, it’s the fingerprint sensor. Or, as it’s now known- the Touch ID.



The new iPhone has a crystal inlaid fingerprint scanner in place of the home button that can read multiple fingerprints. There is a stainless steel detection ring around the home button, so that the sensor can detect your finger without you having to press the button.


This is the finger they showed- just in case you forgot what one looked like. Sorry if you did. That’s… awkward.



The sensor is 170 microns thin, 500 ppi resolution, scans sub-epidermal skin layers and has 360-degree readability.


It basically takes a picture of your fingerprint in order to analyze it, all fingerprints are encrypted, and they will never be stored on Apple servers or backed up to the cloud. Awesome.


The fingerprint scanner will come in handy for security and shopping – the examples they give are not having to enter a passcode for your iPhone ( or worry about how you’re too lazy to set up a passcode) and having your fingerprint replace the ever irritating iTunes password.


Pricing is the same as the iPhone 5, 16Gb – $199, 32Gb – $299, 64Gb – $399 with a two year contract. Cases for the 5S are $49 each.


Here’s a picture of Tim Cook talking. It made us feel more involved.




Now we’re down to the nitty gritty end. iOS 7 will be available to download for free on September 18th.


The iPhone 5C will be available for pre-order starting midnight the 13th of September, with full release in stores on the 20th of September. The iPhone 5S will not be available for pre-order, but will be available online and in-store on September the 20th.


By December, the new iPhones will be available in more than 100 countries.


The Apple store has been down since 6am this morning in preparation for the iPhone announcements-but will be back online right now if you want to check out the goods


Overall, we’re really pleased with these releases. They show consistency, reliability, and significant hardware and software upgrades, alongside iOS 7.


Without having physically held or played with today’s releases (yet!), we can’t be for realsies sure, but it sounds like having ( at least) one of these phones will definitely improve how we use our mobile technology, and increase out affection for said technology.


We… we really like them. We also believe that it is serious time, guys, to start thinking about upgrading and how you’re going to go ahead and do that. Which phone is best for your needs, and how are you going to get that shiny newness into your hot little hands?


We want the champagne 5S, 64Gb, because we like shiny, sophisticated, fast, powerful, and awesome tech that makes everyone’s life better.


Just like we do.  Right?  But, also, it has the super sweet camera stuff. And the Touch ID. And the fast and powerful stuff.


Whichever one you choose, if you are considering selling a stinky old iPhone in order to get the CASHMONEY to upgrade or buy new these shiny new iPhones, you should click on this blue link right here, which will tell you all you need to know about preparing your old phone for moving on to it’s new forever home.


You can also click on this blue link right here to see how much CASHMONEY we can give you for your stinky old iPhone! Super fast, super easy, super large CASHMONEY!!



And that’s a wrap! We hope this brightened your day!





Images courtesy of Macrumors, The Verge, and Engadget. Special thanks to the super awesome Brad Molen over at Engadget for providing pretty much the best live blog we’ve ever read. Serious.