Posts tagged: Sell iPhone

State by State Comparison of Broken iPhones

Here we go again.  We have gathered all of our iPhone buyback data (from the best way to sell your iphone, obviously), and we have created a heat map breakdown.


This map shows the percentage of broken iPhones that were sold using our buyback service.  Red states show that we purchased a higher percentage of broken iPhones from that state.  Green areas show that we purchased a higher percentage of used iPhones from that state.


State by State Broken iPhone Buyback Comparison


Hopefully your state isn’t one of the dark red ones (sorry West Virginia and Kansas).  The data tends to show that our customers that are tend to be in the country (Kansas, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho) tend to break their iPhones more often.  While the Southern states tend to be quite good at taking care of their iPhones (as they tend to mostly sell their used iPhones instead of broken ones).


So maybe if your like us, and you happen to have broken your iPhone once or twice (or maybe more), then you should consider moving down to the South.  Otherwise, well, maybe its easier just to use our buyback service to sell your iPhone (don’t worry, we still pay a ton even if your iPhone is broken!)



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How to turn off ‘Find My iPhone & Anti-theft Activation Lock’ from the phone you’re selling!



If you’re thinking of selling or giving away a stinky old iPhone, you need to understand how to turn off the ‘Find My iPhone’ function. ESPECIALLY if the device has been upgraded to iOS 7, whereby it will also be loaded with Apple’s Anti-theft Activation lock.





That’s not it. The Anti-theft Activation Lock introduced with iOS 7 is however super awesome for preventing theft by rendering the phone basically useless and worth roughly one eighth of its proper resale price. However, it also does this if you forget to turn it off before you sell it or give it away.


For instance, here at iPhone Antidote, we cannot give you the total quoted amount for your iPhone unless the Anti-theft Activation lock is turned off.



So, you guys need to know how to turn it off! And luckily for everyone involved, whilst not being the funnest 3 minutes you ever spend (we hope) it IS super easy! High Five!





There is a couple of different methods depending on the condition and location of your iPhone. If your iPhone works and is with you, you should-


Remove your iPhone from Find My iPhone by turning  it off on the iPhone.


Simple! On your iPhone, go to Settings > iCloud, then tap to turn off ‘Find My device.’ It will ask for your Apple ID password ( The one you use in the App Store), then BAM, both Find my iPhone and the Anti-theft activation lock is turned off.




If your iPhone is not with you, already sold or given away OR broken or water damaged so that it won’t turn on, it’s also, really, really easy. HIGH FIVE!




If you can’t use your iPhone because it’s too damaged, or you’ve already sold it or given it away, you can remotely remove it from Find My iPhone and remotely remove the Anti-theft Activation Lock.


Your iPhone must be powered off. Easy to do if it’s broken! Also easy enough to do if you’ve sold it to a company such as ourselves or you can get in contact with the friend that you gave it to.




Sign in to with your Apple ID (the one you use with iCloud & the App Store).


Click ‘All Devices’ at the top of the page. Wait for the website to locate your iPhone, then select it from the drop down menu. It should appear as offline and grey.

A menu of options will appear on the right hand side of the screen. IGNORE THESE ( Unless you want to remotely erase your iPhone)


Click back on the ‘All Devices’ button at the top of the page. There should now be an X next to your iPhone.  Click it. Click it good.


Click “remove” on the next screen to confirm.


Aaaaaand you’re done! Now someone else can now activate the device, making it worth a whole lotta more clams from us/high fives from the friend you gave it to!




If you guys have any problems removing the anti theft activation lock from your iPhone – please contact us and let us know! We’d LOVE to help you out! And we give hugs too!







Images courtesy of  Appleinsider, Doblelol,,,, &

Score some extra cash for the holidays with us!



Need some extra funds for the holiday season? It’s a pretty expensive time after all, what with the Furbies and the sparkle lights and the pretty fancy christmas party clothes and all that stuff you have to get for your true love ( I hear turtle doves are particularly expensive this year)!


So. That cash.


We wanna help!!


We’re planning on giving all our loved ones broken, water damaged and used iPhones for christmas (cos we’re cool like that) and we need some more! Can we PLEASE buy that stinky old iPhone that’s just sitting in your drawer?


Otherwise, Great Aunt Macy might have to go without and she’ll be so sad. You wanna make her sad?



We’ll pay you up to $450 clams for that stinky old iPhone, and we’ll make the selling process as easy as that pumpkin pie you just ate!



Mmm. Pie.


All you need to do is fill out an order form to sell your iPhone here, and either a pre-paid box will arrive on your doorstep OR if you’d prefer you’ll receive a label in your email to put on any ‘ol box you have lying around.



The pre-paid box contains a packing pouch and a pre-paid shipping label (oh, and some little christmas presents, cos we’re cool like that), so all you need to do is bundle up that stinky old iPhone, put it in a post box and we’ll send you a check or Paypal payment in NO time!



Easy as pumpkin pie and everyone’s happy, even Great Aunt Macy.


Thanks guys, you’re the best!


Happy Holidays!




P.S. Look out for our tech gift guide for this Christmas in the next few days so you know exactly what to buy with that cash!




Images courtesy of  The Cleveland Leader, Verybestbaking, cashflowlifestyle & freefever.

The first guy to break his 5S

We just received our first iPhone 5S!  And it was, drumroll please:








Even though the guy at first was like:



We gave him $$$ CASHMONEY and turned that frown upside down!



Apparently, our lovely 5S customer was using his brand new shiny iPhone 5S in a crowded area, someone came running by and hit him in the shoulder and the shiny 5S went flying ever so prettily before smacking itself onto concrete. And there you have it- a cracked screen.


In his own words, just a bit of bad luck.


But good luck that he had heard of iPhone Antidote! Yay!



If you have an unlucky cracked or broken iPhone, or a stinky old used iPhone, go to iPhone Antidote right now!


We’ll give you CASHMONEY for those unlucky, stinky old iPhones and turn you from grumpy cat into happy, baller cat in one of the easiest, stress free transactions you’ll ever experience!




Images courtesy of Phonearena, Geeknation, Lol-cat & Pandawhale

What to do if you water, wine or vodka damage your iPhone



Hey guys. So we seem to have been referencing getting your beloved shiny iPhone wet recently. Tackling the hard to talk about stuff, as per usual…


We understand that it’s not funny when someone accidentally drops their phone into a pitcher of beer, or falls into a pool, or does something to a person that gets them so mad they revenge pee on their phone ( happened to a friend of a friend of ours…)


Well, no, scratch that. That stuff is really  funny, as long as it’s not your phone, and if it is your phone, you usually get your sense of humor back if, IF you can rescue your wet wet iPhone.


Here’s what you should do to try rescue that poor wet puppy!


1, Don’t freak out. Crying will just bring more wetness. Duh. Your phone needs you to be strong, just like your Grandfather when he used to, like, walk all day in the snow to get to work and stuff.


2,  If the phone is submerged, unsubmerge it. Dry the surfaces real quick.


3, If the phone is still on, turn it off ASAP. If it’s already off, don’t try and turn the phone on RESIST THE URGE! Trust us. If your iPhone refuses to respond to your touch and refuses to turn off, well… no you can probably cry a little bit.


4, From here, it kind of depends on what stores you have at your disposal. The easiest helpful drying ingredient most people can get their hands on is Rice.  Put some rice in a ziplock bag or tupperware container – anything airtight- and completely envelop the phone within.


5, Rice is a great option, but what’s better is Silica Gel. Silica Gel is the stuff that’s inside those little packets of stuff you get in Beef Jerkey bags.



You can buy these at craft stores ( It’s intended use here is for flower drying). Again, submerge your phone in an airtight container full of the sachet’s.


6, If you have a good hardware store nearby, you could try to get DampRid.Works the same as the Silica Gel. Again with the airtight container, submerge, etc.


7, Place the container/ziplock bag in a warm dry place.


8, DON’T TOUCH YOUR PHONE FOR 24 HOURS! Even if you think it might really be ok, and you’re expecting the most important text ever, leave it in there. We would actually recommend leaving the phone for a full 48 hours, but the minimum has to be 24 hours to give it the best chance of surviving.


Poor little fella.


If all of this fails, send him on over to us, we’ll give you some CASHMONEY and make a nice new home for him out here on the farm.  You can do this HERE. 





Image courtesy of &

Know someone who broke their phone this weekend?

So, three day weekend, huh? Did everyone have a good time? Yeah? Party? Yeah?


Well here’s a story from our weekend for you.


One of iPhone Antidote’s friends was having a really good time, a couple of kegs were involved, a flip was attempted, and, as you do, the dude tried to take a video of said flip. On his iPhone 5. Whilst he was doing a drunken flip.


Needless to say, it was hilarious. Also; now he has an iPhone that looks like this:




Good thing he’s friends’ with iPhone Antidote, cos he just sold that stinky broken phone to us, and now he has this instead:


And that bag holds exactly $325 cash! Happy friend.


Do you guys know of anyone who may have committed a similar party foul this weekend? Let them know that they can be a friend of iPhone Antidote too!


We’ll make it allll better. With money of course! And… maybe a video of a dude trying to do a flip. Trust us, it is really hilarious.





Who got an iPhone 5?

Now that you have a new iPhone, Sell Your Old iPhone!


Who got an iPhone 5 today? Who got any new iPhone? Lucky bastards!


Well, here’s a way to earn good karma, give back to the world, and earn some sweet cash on top of it all.


Recycling your stinky old iPhone with the iPhone Antidote is the best way to sell your old iPhone, no matter what condition it’s in. We accept broken, water damaged, cracked, used and new iPhones, and with quote prices guaranteed, we offer you 40% more money for your iPhone than the nearest iPhone buyback program on the Internet.


We’re a fast and  reliable company  that is interested in creating the best possible experience for our valued customers. We want to give you cash, and we want to do it easily and quickly.


So what are you waiting for? Simply go to our quote page, fill in the details of you old iPhone, print off a shipping label, and send it in to us. Sit around and play with your new iPhone 5 for a few days (bastard) and then go spend your cash! Go! Seriously, dude… go.



Want $10? Tell Your Friends about iPhone Antidote

Make Money Referring People to iPhone Antidote


Need a little bit of extra cash?  Start telling your friends about iPhone Antidote.  Here at if you send a friend to our website and they place an order, we will give YOU $10!


We buy any type of iPhone, in any condition, so as long as you have a friend that once owned an iPhone, you have a friend that could use our services.  We pay much more than the competition (sometimes two times as much!) and we are VeriSign and Better Business Bureau Accredited.  What’s even better is that our quotes are guaranteed!  So you don’t need to worry about sending your iPhone in, and then having us say that it’s really not worth as much as we previously quoted you.  We will pay you what we quoted, every time!


When your friend sends in their iPhone, just make sure they include your name and address, or even just your PayPal email address.  That’s it!  If your friend only includes your name, that is okay too!  We will just issue a check to your name, sent to his address (provided they did not include your address).  And when we receive the iPhone, we will pay you $10 for the referral and your friend his quote for his iPhone!  With payouts up to $500, iPhone Antidote is the obvious choice!


Now, how might you find some of your friends with old iPhone’s?  It’s simple!


1) Share our website on FaceBook (Don’t forget to tell them to include your name!)

2)Share our website on Twitter

3)Let your friends know in person when you see them

4)Ask your friends if they know anyone with an old or broken iPhone

5)Break people’s iPhone’s, and then ask them if they’d like to sell it

6)Wait at party’s to see if anyone has a broken iPhone (people at partys tend to.. uh.. drink a little bit… and tend to.. uh.. break their phones).

7)Create your own website that sends referrals to ours

8 )Walk down the street yelling “Sell Your iPhone with iPhone Antidote! I’ll give you $5 extra!” (and split the profits of $10)

9)Look for sad people, and ask them if they have a broken iPhone (and then make their day by telling them our ridiculously high payouts!)

10) Hang out at Best Buy or the AT&T store and wait for people that look like they are going to upgrade their iPhone’s


And we’re sure there are a ton of other ways to earn that $10 too!  The great thing is, we will keep on paying you no matter how many people you refer!  The possibilities are endless.  Get 10 people and we’ll pay you $100!  Why stop there?!  Get 100 people and we’ll pay you $1000!!


How to go about Selling an iPhone

How to Start Selling an iPhone

Many people nowadays are looking to upgrade iPhones.  If you are looking to upgrade to the iPhone 4S, or maybe even upgrade to the iPhone 5 once it is released, you are probably going to want to start thinking about selling an iPhone.


Once you upgrade your iPhone you can worry about how to sell your iPhone 4.  Selling an iPhone can prove to be very valuable, because often times they are worth quite a bit more than you would expect.  Often times, when you sell an old iPhone, you can get nearly the same amount of money as your new iPhone would cost.  Thus resulting in a free iPhone upgrade, or an iPhone trade-in where you sell your old iPhone in return for upgrading your iPhone for free!


There are many different ways you can sell your iPhone.  If you are thinking about selling an iPhone in person, it may be best to check to see if any of your friends are interested in purchasing it.  It could help them (by letting them get an off-contract iPhone) and help you (by getting money, of course!).


If you are looking to sell your iPhone online, it could be a little trickier.  There are websites like Craigslist and eBay, both of which are great websites, but they both have negative aspects as well.  One of the major negative aspects of selling an iPhone on Craigslist is that you have to meet up with a person and exchange a high value item.  This could be dangerous since some people may not be as honest, and even if not, it could just be a somewhat stressful experience.  You could also sell your iPhone on eBay, which is a really great resource, but it too can have some negative aspects.  iPhone sales on eBay tend to have a general amount of fraud associated with them, and unless you have a prominent eBay account, it could be hard to sell the iPhone online.


Now, however, there is another choice if you would like to upgrade your iPhone by selling your iPhone.  The iPhone Antidote is a trustworthy website which will buy your iPhone.  We buy iPhone’s no matter what the condition.  You can sell your iPhone 4 regardless of the condition.  Even if its in the condition “iPhone 4 water damage“, the iPhone Antidote will buy it!


If you want to start by selling an iPhone today go ahead and check out how much you can get paid today!  The iPhone Antidote even has payouts up to $400, check it out here





Erase Your iPhone and Restore to Factory Settings

There are a few different reasons why you may want to restore your iPhone to its factory settings.  One of the main reasons would be if you were selling the iPhone.  If you are selling your iPhone it is a good idea to erase all of your data to ensure data security.  When you sell your iPhone to the iPhone Antidote (see here), we securely erase all of the data, but some other companies or other methods of selling your iPhone may not be as secure.


Erase Your iPhone to Factory Settings


Follow the directions below to erase all of the data on your iPhone and restore it back to it’s factory settings.



First, turn your iPhone on and go to settings.


Next, go to General.


At the bottom of the General screen you should see an option for reset, click this.


Now click “Erase All Content and Settings


This will erase everything on your iPhone and restore it back to it’s factory settings.




Thanks for reading!