Anyone want google glass?
You guys have heard of Google Glass right?
The proposed future of wearable technology that will be the ultimate integration of life and computer?
The thing that has some people up in arms about privacy and we’re all going to become androids aaaaagh?
The thing that you think kind of makes people look a bit silly but you really want to try out anyway?
A wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display?
Augmented-reality glasses?
This thing?
Yeah, that thing.
Up until now it’s kind of been something you hear about in the press, but don’t realllly see right? If you live in a Tech city, or know someone lucky enough and really into their tech, you might have heard of someone who has one. Or someone whose whose cousin has one.
It’s quite frustrating, actually, no matter what your opinion about the technology involved.
You still want to be able to play with the silly futuristic tech toy that you can’t even play with for who knows how long, especially because you’re a reasonable person right? You wouldn’t have an opinion on something until you’ve actually experienced it, tried it, right?
But Google are in control and it’s just stupid, why do we have to wait for soooo long?
Well, kids, the time of Google Glass in the public domain is getting closer. One person at a time, actually.
Google has begun inviting more people to try Google Glass out. Participants in the Glass Explorer program for early adopters have been sent an email from Google, inviting them to, in turn, invite one friend into the Google Glass Explorer program.
The invitations are limited to people who are U.S. residents, at least 18 years old and able to pick up Glass in San Francisco, New York or Los Angeles.
Around 8000 competition winners are currently taking part in the Google Glass early explorer program, as well as the various tech heads around that are lucky enough to be testing them out.
So…. Time to put your thinking caps on guys. There is the actual possibility in the world right now for you to be able to play with new and supposedly futuristic technology before most of the rest of the world.
A small chance, probably, yes, but still a chance!
All you need to do is to go and find one of the early adapter people, make an amazing impression on them so that they pick you above their family and friends, and hence start using Google Glass. Cake?
Go to it! And soon you too can look like this…
Images courtesy of and