Apple’s revamped music streaming service

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Predicted to be released in late June after being announced at WWDC 2015 in San Francisco, Apple’s revamped music streaming service has just started hitting the next level of tech rumor mills.


While the company is said to be working on last minute record label deals in order for the service to be launched as part of iOS 8.4 and iTunes 12.2.  The current iTunes Radio was announced at WWDC on June 10th, 2013, with the service launching on September 18, 2013, the same day as iOS 7. Available across all Apple devices, it is currently only available in the US and Australia.


Apple purchased Beats Music for $3 Billion dollars last year with the speculated intent of using the brains behind it to not only revamp their music streaming service – but become the best in the business, beating out (ha) other popular moneymakers such as Pandora, Spotify, Tidal, etc.


The revamped service will purportedly be available in additional countries, welcoming a new design, the ability to pay for unlimited song skipping, streaming from music and playlists stored offline, manually created playlists instead of ones using an algorithm.


The beta version of the service has already been seeded to developers as part of iOS 8.4, however we assume (read: hope) that there will be a few tricks up Apple’s  sleeve in order to lure and win over customers, some wow-factor music streaming goodies that have yet to be even whispered about yet.


You will reportedly be able to trial the service for free before signing on the line for about $8-$10 a month.




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