How to do a reverse google image search!



Ok, so say you’re trying to keep up with the MLB, (Major League Baseball, maybe you should know that much) and you know who you’re rooting for, obviously the San Francisco Giants, Duh, but then you want to know who they’re going to have to beat to get the the World Series. And you’re talking to someone about it and looking at a chart on the internet but then you realize you have no idea what team this guy represents:





But depending on who the person is, you might not want to look stupid and ask just who that guy is with his fancy looking beak and orange flair. SO WHAT DO YOU DO?


If you’re on a Mac, a double fingered click (or control+click) on the image in question will open a small separate menu. From here you can do a bunch of things such as save the image to your Mac, open it in a new tab/window, OR do a reverse Google image search, by clicking ‘Search Google for this image’. It will then open up a new page listing search results from that image.






* Go Giants.







baltimore orioles

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