iPhone 5 Release Date Leaked, Announcement Coming September 12th

It has been a pretty exciting few days if you have been following up on iPhone leaks.  And today, we have the supposed release date of the new iPhone 5 as well as a few other things.  The big date to come is September 21st.  That is the leaked iPhone 5 release date, and this sounds in line with previous expectations (late-September, early-October).


It looks like on this September 12th date, we will have an Apple announcement that likely consists of the specs of the new iPhone as well as introductions of the new iPad Mini and iPod Mini.  This should definitely be a pretty exciting date.


In case you hadn’t seen yet, we actually have a decent amount of the info about the new iPhone, and a bunch of new pictures of it as well!  Take a look!

iPad Mini and iPhone 5


Credit to iMore for the image