Read Tim Cook’s Fast Company interview!
Looking for some Friday procrastination material? Interested in Apple? In the build up to the release of the Apple Watch, and the pre-sale on April 10th, various Apple Big shots are doing the interview rounds. Tim Cook chose Fast Company to do his exclusive interview with, and it makes for an interesting read.
The interview is with Rick Tetzeli, who is also the co-author of the upcoming bio ‘Becoming Steve Jobs’ (released March 24). The interview covers topics such as Apple throughout the years, his relationship with Jobs (“The best teacher I ever had by far.” ), and, of course, their new product, the Apple Watch.
From the sauce:
“People didn’t realize they had to have an iPod, and they really didn’t realize they had to have the iPhone. And the iPad was totally panned. Critics asked, “Why do you need this?” Honestly, I don’t think anything revolutionary that we have done was predicted to be a hit when released. It was only in retrospect that people could see its value. Maybe this will be received the same way.”
Check out the interview in full here! Happy Friday !