Posts tagged: iTunes

PayPal Discounts $100 iTunes Gift Cards to $85

PayPal’s Digital Gifts eBay storefront is discounting $100 App Store and iTunes gift cards t0 $85 which the company has been doing once a month since February.


You must have a PayPal account and after your purchase the gift card will then be delivered via email a few hours later. The gift cards will only be valid on purchases made in the United States App and iTunes Stores.


This comes as the iTunes Movies store refreshed with a handful of new sales on both HD and 4K HDR films. Besides movie rentals and purchases on iTunes, these gift cards can be used for Apple Music and other iTunes billing subscriptions, album and iBooks purchases, and more.



Adele’s new album not available on Apple Music




Adele is NOT sating Hello to Apple Music ( see what we did there) by not allowing her new and much anticipated album ’25’ to be streamed on the subscription music service. Bummer hummer.


It’s not all bad for Apple, however, with the album not appearing on any music streaming service at all. Adele is old school, y’all.


The album is out today! Go buy it? Or whatever you’re supposed to do? We forget. Just Kidding. Kind of.


Adele actually asked Apple to put the album in their retail stores, to which Apple said … “uh, no. We have this streaming service maybe you’d like to use?”


You’re still able to buy the album through iTunes, though.



Apple no longer offering iTunes Single of The Week

exclamation mark



As of right now, it seems that you may no longer be able get a free ‘Single of the Week’ from iTunes.


Bowm Boooooowwwwwm.


Since 2004 Apple would pick a tune to promote by giving it out on iTunes for a week. Which was awesome, because most people like music, and most people like free things.


This comes after Apple also unexpectedly ended it’s annual 12 days Of Christmas iTunes promotion, where one App or item from iTunes would be given away each day for 12 days after Christmas.


As of yet, there has been no statement from Apple in regard to the disappearance of either.


C’mon Apple, if you give us free things, then we return to buy other things. D’uh.




Beyonce’s new album is exclusively on iTunes and breaking records!



The Queen Bee has a new album! AND it’s breaking all sorts of records because, well, duh, she’s Queen B. Beyonce dropped her very unexpected self titled visual album late on Thursday night, exclusively on iTunes.


In a press release, Apple has proudly announced that the album is the fastest selling ever on the iTunes store, moving 828,773 united worldwide in the the first 3 days and going straight to number one  in 104 countries. Try naming 104 countries, and then think about being number 1 in all of them. It’s pretty mind blowing.


Here’s a slice of the press release for you:



“The self-titled, BEYONCÉ, is the fifth solo studio album from Beyoncé, which was made available exclusively worldwide on the iTunes Store on December 13 by Parkwood Entertainment/Columbia Records. The self-titled set is the artist’s first visual album. BEYONCÉ is infused with 14 new songs and 17 visually stunning, provocative videos shot around the world from Houston to New York City to Paris, and Sydney to Rio de Janeiro, all before the album’s release. The album represents Beyoncé’s biggest sales week ever.”


“Beyonce’ is being billed as a ‘visual’ album because each song has an accompanying music video. If you would like to check out some previews for the songs before buying, they’re loaded on her Youtube channel. You can buy the album on iTunes.


Here’s a taste!


“Self-Titled” is a mini art feature comprised of several parts that give a glimpse into the entire project. It details her mind-set and artistic vision throughout the making of BEYONCÉ.







Video courtesy of Beyonce Youtube Channel. Image courtesy of Vibe.

Apple crediting iWork & iLife purchases!





Did you purchase a new iOS device after September 1st, but just before Tim Cook announced that all new iOS devices purchased would come with iWork and iLife apps for free?


Did you buy apps from iLife or iWork and then kicked an Apple voodoo doll cos you felt ripped off?


Were you perhaps confused about it all and bought the apps anyway not thinking they were actually going to be given out for free?




Apple have begun to send out emails to eligible users that did any of the above letting them know not to worry kiddies, their iTunes accounts will be credited for the money they spent on the apps that were supposed to be free!


If you think that you should have received an email and you haven’t yet, you get right on that phone and call Apple! 800-275-2273


Here’s the official email from  Apple.



Dear iTunes Customer,


On September 10, 2013, Apple announced that iPhoto, iMovie, Keynote, Pages, and Numbers iOS apps are now available as a free download on the App Store for qualifying iOS 7 compatible devices activated on or after September 1, 2013.


Our records indicate that you purchased one or more of these apps on or after September 1, 2013 so we have provided you with the iTunes code below in the amount of $5.34.


This credit can be used towards the purchase of any content on the iTunes Store, App Store, or iBooks Store. Detailed instructions for redeeming the code can be found at


Code: [redacted]


Thank you and we hope you enjoy using this credit towards your next purchase on iTunes.


Regards, iTunes Customer Support


For full iTunes Terms and Conditions click here:



Apple courtesy of Macrumors. Image courtesy of Appleinsider.

iTunes Radio release another thing to get excited about this September!




September is IT guys.


Not only do we have the HUGE Apple September 10th announcement believed to be announcing the new iPhones ( 5S and 5C ), there is also the unveiling of Samsung’s smart watch Galaxy Gear, IFA – the huge techie consumer electronics trade show in Berlin 6th – 11th September, the Apple iTunes free concert series, the final Breaking Bad ever on Sept 9th (gulp), the return of Sons Of Anarchy and Southpark, America’s cup, TechCrunch Disrupt, and just, just so much more.


So much more like what iPhone Antidote?


Well, for one thing, the release of Apple’s iTunes Radio! Yay!


Apple has managed to get a bunch of brand partners including McDonald’s, Nissan, Pepsi, and Procter & Gamble, who will all get exclusive ads on the Radio product through the end of 2013.


The internet radio service, similar to Spotify and Pandora, will offer a way to listen to the radio which intuitively personalizes the tracks and artists you listen to, introduced you to new artists based on the style of music you listen to, as well as giving you the ability to create your own playlists from their selection and your own music from iTunes.


The system is free with ads, but has a super competitive premium ad-free option, if you subscribe to iTunes Match, at just $24.99 a year.


For the free service, listeners can look forward to walking out of the room grumpily every 15 minutes for an audio ad, and once an hour if you’re listening on a platform where you can exposed you to video ads. You will also get an ad if you skip songs six times in a row, if this stays the same as it currently is in the iOS 7 Beta testing.


The iTunes Radio service is part of iOS 7 and will be released with it. We don’t know the exact date… but we’re thinking it’s pretty likely that it will be released on or very close to September 10th!


We think we might rename September YAYtember!





Image courtesy of iTunes.




iPhone 5: ‘Gifting’ for special occasions

In an earlier article, we talked about the NFC chip and its implications in controlling financial transactions on the next iPhone. As it turns out, NFC chips are capable of doing a lot more—Apple will be offering customers a chance to send and receive digital gifts via iTunes.



Gifting: Digital gifts over iTunes


NFC Chips: More power, more features

Downloading and sharing audio and video over the internet is quite in vogue these days—but there’s the copyright law issue. A lot of digital distributors are binding up the usage and distribution of audio/video files these days, so what you have is those copyright protected medias become unplayable when transferred to a second media.

The solution to this, in the Apple way—‘Gifting’. It’s going to be a unique platform, where you buy and present music and video contents to your beloved ones. The better part; it’s not only limited to iPhones; but also available on iPod Touch and iPad over the iTunes.


Gifting through iTunes: Simple enough

Guys, the gifting is easy enough. If you are sending say, an audio file , as soon as you authorize the gift charge on your iTunes account—it gets transmitted via the NFC chip to the designated user’s device. As the receiver has to confirm the receipt over NFC, the copyright issues and illegal distribution is not at all an issue.

You may be thinking, well, my fiancée is away and I want to give her a track as a surprise gift! Then, you can submit a request with iTunes, which will be processed backend and the receiver will receive a specific encrypted gift file. Also, file transfer can be done between two remote iDevices by sending and confirming emails alongside customized voice and image greetings.

Simple, isn’t it?