Posts tagged: PrimeSense

This could be exciting



Apple is in the process of purchasing a company that has the technology to bring super, super exciting things to it’s product line.


The Israeli firm Primesense is responsible for the technology associated with 3D body sensing used in Microsoft’s Kinect platform.


You know, the thing where you dance around all silly in front of the game system and don’t care because it’s AMAZING that what you’re doing is copied/simulated on screen? Yeah, that stuff.


The original asking price back in June was  280 million buckaroos, but according to Israeli newspaper Calcalist, the deal is now worth a slammin $345 million. Yowzer.


There are still some minor issues that need to be settled before the transaction is done and dusted, but we’re on purpose getting ahead of ourselves here and getting excited about what this could mean for future products or what it could mean for current products, like the iPhone. Ooh, also The iTV, (duh).


Although Apple has not commented (not unusual), and PrimeSense has not publicly acknowledged the deal, the company did release the following statement:


“PrimeSense is the leading 3D technology in the market. We are focused on building a prosperous company while bringing 3D sensing and Natural Interaction to the mass market in a variety of markets such as interactive living room and mobile devices. We do not comment on what any of our partners, customers or potential customers are doing and we do not relate to rumors or re-cycled rumors.”


We’re hoping that ‘re-cycled rumor’s part is just PR spin. Cos this? Could be really cool.


We’re crossing our fingers and looking forward to an official announcement in the next 2 weeks!




Image courtesy of