Posts tagged: Sell Your iPhone

Deal of the day!





Target has a pretty awesome deal on right now – trade in a Xbox 360 and you will get a $100 gift card with the purchase of a Xbox one.


Additionally, Target is offering a free game with the purchase of a xbox one (excludes battlefront, rock band 4, guitar hero live and fallout 4)


To get this deal, make sure you local store accepts trade ins, because not all of them do. To find a store that does, check out this link here. This deal is awesome – but if you’re thinking of trading anything else in, like, say, an iPhone, remember, we pay more and Target will only pay in a Target Gift Card.


Sell your iPhone here! But probably get an Xbox first, cos this is a good deal that will run out, and we always give you a good deal !


This weekend is a great Xbox weekend, we feel it in our bones.




This lady put all of her boyfriend’s apple products in the bath!


Have you been cheating on your significant other?



If so, you better watch out, because not only is it hella douchey, but this could happen to you! A Japanese Twitter user who goes by the handle @foolishnessfly2 caught her boyfriend cheating and did this:





Yup. That’s not bath salts, guys.  She launched all of his Apple products into a nice hot bath and posted proof for all of the Internet to see. The post has since racked up more than 16,000 retweets and 10,000 favorites.


If this happens to you (you rascal you) then don’t despair! Take a photo of it, become internet famous, then sell all those stinky water damaged Apple products to us! We’ll give you cash for them in no time! Internet fame and cash? What’s to lose? ( except your data and, erm, your relationship…)


Get a quote to sell your iPhone here!




Get more money for your iPhone!!

currency_dollar green


Did the Taxman take more money than you were expecting this April 15th? Got some bills to pay or clothes to buy or beers to drink?




Send us your old, broken, stinky, water damaged, used (or brand new- hey we like shiny things too!) iPhone and we’ll put money in your hot little hands in no time!


Here’s what you do:


Get a quote here. We will never change your quote based on condition!


Choose how you want to get your CASHMONEY (Check, Paypal or Bitcoin because we’re fancy like that)


Choose to either: receive a prepaid mailer box, slip your phone in and send it back to us, OR receive a prepaid label that you can stick on any ‘ol box and ship it off.

THEN YOU GET PAID! That’s the best part.


We pride ourselves on our safe, easy and super quick high payouts! We’d really like to make your day by recycling your stinky old iPhone for cash!





Broken wake/sleep button or home button? Here’s what to do!


Do you have an iPhone that has a broken wake/sleep or home button and it’s not covered under warranty?



We got you!


You have 2 options.


1. If you’re not ready to sell your beloved iPhone, or get it repaired for a silly amount of money, there’s a software solution for your broken buttons!


Go to Settings>Accessibility>Assisted Touch>Switch to On.


Now you’ll see a floating button on your iPhone screen that can act as both the wake/sleep button, volume buttons, and the home button. It can peform functions such as waking the device up, making it go to sleep, taking photos, screenshots, etc. It looks like this:




The other option?


2. Go to to sell your stupid broken iPhone with it’s stupid broken buttons to us for CASHMONEY in the easiest and fastest way ( in the known galaxy at least) and use that CASHMONEY to get a shiny new phone!


We like that option.





mages courtesy of &

How to pre-order the new iPhone 5C




Alright you guys, so this blog post is all about how to pre order the iPhone 5C. That’s cool. It’s also weirdly difficult to describe when this can actually happen. We know what’s right, we think, but it sounds wrong. So we’re gonna try it so that there can be no misunderstandings.


You will be able to pre order the iPhone 5C at 12:01, the night time version, on the 13th of September. So, like, when its the 12th of September, wait until it’s 11pm, wait an hour, and then you can go ahead and pre order!  That’s California time, too. Make sense?



Now, we got the time right, but what do you do then? Well, you do a little jig, cos you’re buying an iPhone 5C b*tches!


Then, you do this stuff. (Do most of this stuff before midnight though, cos the amount of iPhones available for pre order will shrink. Real fast.)


You need to decide if you’re buying on or off contract.


For the free spirits out there, you can buy the iPhone 5C off contract with T-Mobile, or SIM free. You can do both through Apple.


If you do this, you’ll be buying the phone outright for $549 for 16Gb, and $649 for 32Gb in both of these options, but you don’t get a SIM with the SIM free option. Duh.


If you choose the SIM free option you WILL need a SIM from somewhere at some stage for the phone to work as a phone. Specifically, you’ll need to get a GSM compatible nano-SIM. Your iPhone will be unlocked, so you can use a SIM from any carrier, domestically or international, as long as it has the right specifications as above.



If you choose to buy the iPhone 5C off-contract with T-Mobile, you will be choosing them as your mobile provider, and will pay them month to month for data, voice, text etc, but you won’t be locked in to a contract and can exit any time. Your phone will arrive with a nano-SIM card already installed that you can activate by visiting an Apple Retail Store or a T-Mobile store or by calling T-Mobile.


If you’re already on contract, but really want the new phone, you have the option to upgrade. You are of course eligible to upgrade once you have ended your current contract, after 2 years.


But, here’s the thing. A lot of people don’t realize that you are more than likely eligible for an upgrade 18 months after your contract started, not two years. It’s definitely worth checking! Go check, dudes.



For Verizon, Sprint and AT&T upgrade eligibility, you’ll most likely need the number for the phone you would like to upgrade, the last four digits of the primary account holder’s Social Security number, and the billing ZIP Code. To see if you’re eligible for an upgrade, or to see the price you qualify for, check out this link.


For Sprint you can also use your phone- dial *2, press send, press 1, enter your phone number and then press 1 to check for eligibility.


AT&T also has the option to check your upgrade eligibility via your phone, just dial *639# and press send and you will receive a text message shortly after letting you know when you’re eligible for an upgrade.



If you’re a little unsure about the whole idea of upgrading, you should talk to your carrier. BUT, you should also read this– If you are eligible for an upgrade, it means that all you have to pay to get the new phone is the price Apple shows next to the phone.


For the 5C, that means that when you upgrade and preorder, you will pay upfront and outright $99 for the 16Gb version and $199 for the 32Gb version. You will be committing to another 2 year contract with the provider.


If you are not eligible for an upgrade, but you reallllly want the new phone, you can, of course, get it. You will pay an extra fee, and how much that fee is depends on the carrier, but i’ll give you an example.


Say you started a new 2 year contract this time last year when you bought the iPhone 5. You’re a year into your contract, so you won’t be eligible for an upgrade, but you’re going to go ahead and get it anyway, because hey, it’s a free country right?


Your carrier will more than likely be absolutely cool with that, because that means they have your business guaranteed for another 2 years, but, they will charge a fee, which will more than likely be about $200. So you’ll be paying $300 upfront for the iPhone 5C 16Gb, and $400 upfront for the iPhone 5C 32Gb.


You also absolutely always get to keep your old phone, so that you can use it as financial leverage! It’s a stinky old iPhone! Sell it for CASHMONEY, YO!


If you’re joining up with a new provider, you’re looking at 2 year contract and paying upfront $99 for the 16Gb or $199 for the 32Gb. When choosing a new provider it’s important to look at their plans, and it’s also important to check out the coverage maps of each of the options. You can do this below by clicking on the blue links.


AT&T Coverage Map


Verizon Coverage Map


Sprint Coverage Map


T-Mobile Coverage map


Ok, so now you know what category you’re in, and you’re prepared for all your choices and options, how much you have to pay, which carrier, upgrade eligibilty, etc.


Now it’s almost midnight.





And then, time to move!


You can pre-order on all of the carrier’s websites, as well as Apple’s.


To buy straight from Apple, go to this link.


Choose your color, you sparkle pony you. You have the option of blue, green, yellow , pink and white.


Next, choose the model you want, the smaller 16Gb or the 32Gb. The bigger the GB ( Gigabytes), the more stuff you can have on your phone, basically. Things that take up storage space include photos, videos, lots of songs or apps. 1000 songs is about 7Gb, for example.


Once those decisions are made and entered into the system, you’ll have to fill in some personal details, you will need a credit card, and you will need to press enter at the end. You will need to do a little dance. And send it to us. Yeah, do that.


Remember, if you’re upgrading from an iPhone 4S or older and have accessories that use the old connector port, such as a dock or something, you will also need to purchase a lightening to 30 pin adaptor.


And, guys, last year the iPhone 5 pre order was sold out in about an hour. So be quick. If you miss out, you have to wait until the 20th of September, when they’ll be available in store.


Happy pre-ordering! Remember – 11PM, Californian time, on Thursday the 12th of September. You have one hour after that until you can pre – order.





Image courtesy of The Verge.,, &