Walmart & Best Buy Holiday sales feature price drops on iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S!

So, this Friday is Friday the 13th.



But don’t worry! Why not? Well, because the only things  you need to worry about Friday the 13th is avoiding ladders, black cats and ridiculous superstitions.


AND checking out Walmart’s Holiday Sale!


Included in their holiday sale is the iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S! Whaaaa? Super awesome good luck! Take that unlucky Friday the 13th!


You can look forward to deals such as zeez:



The iPhone 5c will be offered at just $27 instead of the $99 price offered at Apple!

The iPhone 5S will be offered at $127 on a two year contract instead of the $199 price offered at Apple!

Also offered is a $50 gift card with the purchase of a $299 16 GB original iPad mini.



It all starts at 8AM on Friday, and runs through to December 24th!




Best Buy is now offering the iPhone 5S starting at $124.99 with 2 year activation! You can also get a $50 Best Buy gift card with the purchase of an iPad 2.


Did somebody say DEAL?








Images courtesy of  8track & Memecenter.

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