Your smartphone choice might be affecting your success in the dating world

Do you judge people on their smartphone choice? Is it a factor for you when choosing a mate – either for the night or for forever – ever?


Because apparently, this is a thing.


A survey released by dating site has revealed the following fairly enlightening statistics on millennial dating:


14% of singles who are looking to mingle don’t like mingling with people who have a cracked screen.


Android users are 15 x more likely to judge you negatively for using an iPhone.


iPhone users are 21 x more likely to judge you negatively for having an Android


Women are 92% more likely to judge you negatively for not having an up-to-date phone.


Did we mention we buy old and cracked iPhones?


So, you know, we’re basically here just for you guys to have better success with the opposite sex. … Not that you need it, obviously, but if you do… might be time for an upgrade?


See how much we’ll buy your iPhone for here.