Are you an educator at a school that has a 1:1 iPad Program?



Many schools across the country are now participating in a number of different edutech programs, most commonly a 1:1 program with laptops, iPads or ChromeBooks.


In fact, a (now three-year old) report by the education nonprofit Project Tomorrow found that one-third of all high school students were using wireless devices provided by their school districts.


In the past, providing a rounded education meant providing students with up to date and thorough text books, excellent teaching staff, and a safe and happy place to learn. Now, this also means providing them with up to date technology. In 10 years…. personal AI tutors? Let’s hope they’re subsidized.


Many schools are in the fortunate position to be able to provide iPads to their students, while many others have their students participate in a ‘BYOD’  – Bring Your Own Device – system, whereby the parents and families of the students provide the device under the school’s direction.


These very admirable and, at this stage necessary edutech initiatives aim to have as many children as possible excel in tech immersive learning so that they can excel in a world where tech is everywhere – teaching them how to create, use, and consume technology responsibly and effectively .


This is excellent. 


However, we recognize that at this stage these devices are not (yet) indestructible nor are they lasting, particularly in a school environment. Additionally, with technology improving at the current rate, the opportunity to provide a child with an upgraded device is one that comes around very regularly.


It’s also one we wouldn’t want to deny for too long for any child.


That’s why we provide a fast, economical and stress-free solution for 1:1 Initiative educators. We deal with old or broken tech so that you don’t have to.


Upgrading? Leaving devices in drawers until something better comes up? Thats us! Trying to sell surplus devices piece by piece? Let us deal with it.


We buy broken, cracked and used devices from schools, universities and businesses across America, providing a valuable, stress free transaction that includes free shipping.


If you’re an educator at a school that has a 1:1 iPad program, we encourage you to contact us at, via our online chat at, or on (888) 333 0635.





The ultra swank Apple campus – ‘Apple Park’ is opening soon!

The future is here! Well, you know, the building where some people might help create stuff that is likely to contribute to technology in the future is here.


Remember seeing photos of the super swank new, circular Apple campus that was being built? Well it’s almost ready! According to Apple, the campus, named ‘Apple Park’ will be open and ready for employees in April.


There’s still some small building construction and landscaping to be done, but moving all of the expected 12,000 employees over to the new site will also take about 6 months, so they’ve got some time.


Apple Park will also include a visitor’s center with a full Apple Store and cafe,  which will be open to the public. That’s us! Yay! The theater at Apple Park will be named the ‘Steve Jobs Theater’ in honor of the former CEO and will be open later this year.


Direct from the sauce, current CEO, Tim Cook:


“Steve’s vision for Apple stretched far beyond his time with us. He intended Apple Park to be the home of innovation for generations to come, the workspaces and parklands are designed to inspire our team as well as benefit the environment. We’ve achieved the most energy-efficient building of its kind in the world and the campus will run entirely on renewable energy.”


So about that energy efficiency thing? The complex takes up 175 acres and will be powered by 100 percent renewable energy.


Such cool beans.


The main circular building includes 17 megawatts of rooftop solar power, meaning Apple Park will be running one of the largest solar energy installations on the planet. ON THE PLANET.


Sorry for yelling, it’s just that tech and renewable energy get us excited, ya know?


Apple also replaced 5 million-square-feet of asphalt with various greeneries, including over 9,000 native and drought-resistant trees.


From Lauren Powell Jobs:


“Steve was exhilarated, and inspired, by the California landscape, by its light and its expansiveness. It was his favorite setting for thought. Apple Park captures his spirit uncannily well, he would have flourished, as the people of Apple surely will, on this luminously designed campus.”


Check out more images and a video about Apple Park here.