Awesome Sneak Peaks of iPhone 5 (3D Images)

iPhone 5 in White

Today, we’ve got some really excellent models of the iPhone 5 that have been drawn up.  This is exactly how we imagine the iPhone 5 will look and given that several parts have been leaked, it seems like they match this quite well and it is highly likely the iPhone will be almost exactly the same as these models.

Looks pretty sharp in our opinion.  As you can see, the screen is just a tad longer, bringing the display to about 4″ with a full 16×9 view for movies.  Additionally, there is the new smaller dock port on the bottom, next to the headphone port which has been relocated from the top of the iPhone to the bottom.  Other than that it looks pretty similar to the last model of iPhone with the exception of the metal back as opposed to the previous glass backing (which tended to crack).

Overall, we’re pretty excited!

iPhone 5 in White
iPhone 5 in White
iPhone 5 in Black
iPhone 5 in Black
iPhone 5 in Black
Via 9to5Mac

Hands on with Leaked iPhone 5 Parts (Video)

iPhone 5 Parts Leaked

We got it!  A hands on Video of the iPhone 5 Frame!  The parts have been leaked and we are fairly confident that this is the actual iPhone 5 that will be released.  While This video does not contain the LCD screen, it is fairly easy to image how it would look.  Almost exactly the same as the iPhone 4/4S but with a slightly taller screen.  We have also heard word that the Front-facing camera will now be centered above the earpiece on the phone.


So to round up the details that are gone over in the video, it looks like we have a new, smaller dock connector, the headphone plugin has been moved to the bottom of the iPhone, the sim card tray is smaller, the iPhone is about half an inch taller, and it is made as one solid piece now (as opposed to the iPhone 4/4s which had two pieces for the midframe and back).


Pretty cool stuff we got here.  It is definitely going to be a clean looking phone, with a new, albeit slightly, form factor.


Check out the video below!



(Via ETrade Supple)


How to Put an iPhone in Airplane Mode

It is pretty easy to do, but that doesn’t mean we all know how to do it.

How to Put Your iPhone in Airplane Mode

So I figured I would go ahead and post how to put your iPhone into Airplane mode.  This can be useful for when you are actually on an airplane, when you do not want to take any calls (maybe a really important meeting?), or when you just want to save some battery on your iPhone.


It is quite simple really, on your iPhone just:

1) Tap the Settings App

2) Swipe the Airplane Mode slider from Off to On.


Thats it!  Now you can be free and not have to worry about the outside world contacting you.  No rings, no calls, no vibrating, just you and nature.  Hey!  I wonder what my friends are up to…


It is pretty easy to slide back off as well 😉

Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs vs. Aaron Sorkin as Screen Writer

Ashton Kutcher as Steve Jobs


Coming along with all these updates regarding the two new biopics are pictures of Ashton Kutcher sporting a notably “Steve Jobs” look.  It shows we will be watching Ashton Kutcher as the lead in this show.  Something that’s also kinda cool, they even plan to begin shooting in the actual garage that Apple was started in.


It looks like things are starting to also roll along on another Steve Jobs movie.    Sony made the announcement earlier this week that Aaron Sorkin, the Academy Award winning screen writer for The Social Network, would modifying Isaacson’s biography Steve Jobs for the screen.  This comes along with additional word that Steve Wozniak, Apple Co-Founder, would be hired as a consultant to help keeping the film true.


There should be more information coming up soon and we will definitely keep you updated on this interesting development!

I wanna see your face! Wireless Video Calls for Free

I Wanna See Your Face!


There have been videophone’s around since the 1960’s. Surprising? It certainly surprised me.  I’m not sure when I started getting used to the fact that I could see the people I was talking to no matter where in the world they were- but I think it was at least several decades after that.


What’s even more surprising is that videophones never took off. Huge phone companies still won’t even talk about the possibility of bringing them out.


What has taken off though; is that instead of using phone technology, now, we use phone apps that connect us across wireless internet. Now I’m pretty sure that was just a sparkle in..someone’s eye in the 60’s. And it’s easy. And wonderful. Here’s a few reasons you should download Skype onto your iPhone right NOW!


1) You can have date night when you’re thousands of miles away.

2) You can see Kangaroos, in the sunshine, on the beach, in Australia, when you’re in the middle of snow in Nantucket.

3) You can show a medical professional your symptoms.

4) You can watch a youtube clip on skype- on someone’s phone, through their computer, to yours, even when your internet has been limited by speed.

5) You can have, uh… intimate moments. Moving on…

6) The best two apps for seeing someone’s beautiful face are Skype and FaceTime. Both are extremely easy to use, and free on a wireless connection. Amazing.

7) Skype is especially awesome, because if your internet is capped by bandwidth to the point that you have difficulty even watching a youtube clip- Skype will still work, perfectly. It reroutes itself through another port.


Now go download it, phone a kangaroo and have an intimate moment with a healthcare professional.


You know you want to.

Cool iPhone Web Browser Features

iPhone Safari Tips

Are you looking to save an image that you have hit across the web suddenly? Well, here’s something that may come handy for you. When you are going through the picture on your Safari browser, simply hold on to the image and you will be prompted with an option to ‘save image.’ Just save it and you can use it as wallpaper or screensaver.


Well, the Safari browser also offers some short-cut options—like if you are looking to type a website address, you can easily omit the .com extension in the URL box and land directly into the website page. Also, you can choose the other extensions like .edu or .gov by pressing down the .com button for longer time period.


We’ve mentioned it before, but thought it might be handy to mention it in the context of the web browser.  Here is how to take a screenshot! It’s pretty easy—just press down the Home button while taping the Lock button—click! And you have your screenshot.


Hope it helps!

Why the next iPhone won’t be an iPhone 5

The Next iPhone Won't be Called an iPhone 5


The new iPhone that is having an anticipated release of either this summer or early fall won’t be called the iPhone 5.  Here’s why:


The iPhone has had some rather peculiar names in its past when you really think about it.  The very first iPhone was simply called an iPhone.  This makes sense as it was the first of its kind.  But here is where the confusion comes in.  The next year, Apple released the new iPhone, which included the 3G network.  Rightfully so, they labeled this iPhone, the iPhone 3G.


From that point on, the iPhone naming scheme got a bit more complicated.  For some reason, the first iPhone can be referred to as both a 1G and 2G iPhone.  One referring to the network before 3G (and calling it 2G) and the other referring to the 1st Generation of iPhone (1G).


Then to make matters more confusing, for Apple’s next release (their third iPhone), they simply added an S to the name, to make it an iPhone 3GS.  At this point, the naming scheme started to make sense again.  Their 3rd iPhone actually had a 3 in the name (albeit so did the previous 2nd generation iPhone, the 3G).


Then Apple came out with the iPhone 4 in June of 2010.  Their 4th iPhone, released with the quite simple name iPhone 4.  It seemed like the naming/numbering scheme with iPhones would all fall back into place with this generation, and it would be simple to refer to iPhone’s by their generational number.  The 4th iPhone could be referred to as the 4G, and so on.


Everyone assumed that the 5th generation of iPhone would be called the iPhone 5.  But…  It wasn’t.  It was called the iPhone 4S.  So the 5th generation iPhone is called 4S.  Seems a bit confusing, but thats the way it is.


This next iPhone, however, won’t be called the iPhone 5.  It would be a mistake on Apple’s marketing to do such a failure of a name.  Why would you name the 6th iPhone, iPhone 5?!  Especially when they had the lead-up setup from the 2nd iPhone to skip a generation (since the iPhone 3G was actually the 2nd generation).


I predict that the new iPhone will be called something new.  There is potential that it will be called the iPhone 6, but given that there was no distinct “iPhone 5” released, I anticipate they will choose a new name, something likely without reliance on the numbering system.  A new name for the iPhone could come with something like iPhone X, although it is unlikely that Apple would choose that name given that Droid has already used it for their hardware.  iPhone Z?  Maybe they will go back to the basics, and call it something simple “The iPhone” or “The New iPhone”.  iPhone Air?   iPhone Mini?  iPhoneHD?  iPhone Chrome?


I guess well just have to wait and find out!

Want $10? Tell Your Friends about iPhone Antidote

Make Money Referring People to iPhone Antidote


Need a little bit of extra cash?  Start telling your friends about iPhone Antidote.  Here at if you send a friend to our website and they place an order, we will give YOU $10!


We buy any type of iPhone, in any condition, so as long as you have a friend that once owned an iPhone, you have a friend that could use our services.  We pay much more than the competition (sometimes two times as much!) and we are VeriSign and Better Business Bureau Accredited.  What’s even better is that our quotes are guaranteed!  So you don’t need to worry about sending your iPhone in, and then having us say that it’s really not worth as much as we previously quoted you.  We will pay you what we quoted, every time!


When your friend sends in their iPhone, just make sure they include your name and address, or even just your PayPal email address.  That’s it!  If your friend only includes your name, that is okay too!  We will just issue a check to your name, sent to his address (provided they did not include your address).  And when we receive the iPhone, we will pay you $10 for the referral and your friend his quote for his iPhone!  With payouts up to $500, iPhone Antidote is the obvious choice!


Now, how might you find some of your friends with old iPhone’s?  It’s simple!


1) Share our website on FaceBook (Don’t forget to tell them to include your name!)

2)Share our website on Twitter

3)Let your friends know in person when you see them

4)Ask your friends if they know anyone with an old or broken iPhone

5)Break people’s iPhone’s, and then ask them if they’d like to sell it

6)Wait at party’s to see if anyone has a broken iPhone (people at partys tend to.. uh.. drink a little bit… and tend to.. uh.. break their phones).

7)Create your own website that sends referrals to ours

8 )Walk down the street yelling “Sell Your iPhone with iPhone Antidote! I’ll give you $5 extra!” (and split the profits of $10)

9)Look for sad people, and ask them if they have a broken iPhone (and then make their day by telling them our ridiculously high payouts!)

10) Hang out at Best Buy or the AT&T store and wait for people that look like they are going to upgrade their iPhone’s


And we’re sure there are a ton of other ways to earn that $10 too!  The great thing is, we will keep on paying you no matter how many people you refer!  The possibilities are endless.  Get 10 people and we’ll pay you $100!  Why stop there?!  Get 100 people and we’ll pay you $1000!!


A Prepaid iPhone Coming Soon?

A Prepaid iPhone to be Released?

First came God, then Steve Jobs, then came the iPhone. We all know that the iPhone is an amazing and beautiful thing.



Whilst every little rumor heard about the next upgrade or new iPhone release is leapt on with glee, there is one part of the market that Apple needs to, and indeed may be looking into entering.


A huge percentage of the world, and an estimated 70 million Americans use pre-paid phone plans, (otherwise known as pay-as-you go), rather than what is the main billing/buying method here in the states, and Apple’s only official method -post-paid, or simply put- chain yourselves to a carrier for a few years, then, good consumer, you get an iphone.


The advantage of the post pay contract is that, yeah, you get a ‘free’ iPhone.  But it’s not really free is it? No matter how much you use your phone, you pay the same rate every month, it involves credit checks,  early termination fees are applicable, there is no discourse if you happen to lose your job or can’t pay the monthly fee anymore. Prepaid, is easy, you pay for what you use, and if you can’t afford it one month, well, you find out where the closest payphone is.


There were rumors last year, and continuing this year that Apple is looking at releasing a very basic iPhone specifically for the pre-paid market, but until then- there are still options.


But… surely you can’t expect us to pay for an iPhone outright? Right?


Yeah, you’re right. Unless you’re lucky enough to be able to drop a few hunnids to do this, there is a huge phone market on eBay. You can buy cheap second hand/as new iPhones everyday, or if you’re really smart, wait until just after the new release- everyone wants to get rid of their stinky old iPhone so they can get the new one.

Stinky old iPhone? It’s fine! eBay is a buyers market, and if you don’t get what you paid for you’ll be looked after. But most of the time, you get a great, recycled, as-new iPhone. It’s even environmentally friendly! Kind of.


Now to the tricky part. Most iPhone’s on eBay are going to be locked.  This means that you may not be able to use your previous carrier.


Insurmountable Problems? Nah.


Yes, most of the iPhones from the US on eBay are locked, but you always have the option of looking further afield-  find an international seller as they tend to have unlocked ones- think Hong-Kong, Australia, Greece.


Walmart now sells pre-paid Sim cards by StraightTalk. $45 a month unlimited voice and Data and No contract. If you have  picked up a locked iPhone, they also apparently even show you how to unlock it.

Verizon, T-Mobile and Virgin Mobile also offer pre-paid sim packages for unlocked phones.


Another option is H2O Wireless’ iPhone unlimited plan. H2o offers 3 different plans ( $40/ month unlimited talk and text, $50/month unlimited talk, text and 250mb data or $60/month unlimited talk, text and 3G/4G.) and you don’t need to unlock your iPhone.


The great thing about this is that the technology becomes available to more people, and until Apple makes an iPhone that is cheap enough to become part of the pre-paid market- be smart, look at your options, and you can still have an iPhone, just on your own terms.

How to Scroll Up Fast on an iPhone

Tap the top of your iPhone to scroll up fast


So just a quick little post today.  Just wanted to let everyone know about a cool little feature that helps page usability on the iPhone.


If you are every scrolling down a long list or webpage on the iPhone (or other iDevice) there is a fairly simple way to scroll back up to the top of the page.


All you have to do is tap the top of the page on your iPhone.  Check it out in the image above to see what I mean.  All you need to do is tap where the arrow is pointing, and it will actually scroll the entire way back up to the top of the page.  This can be a real timesaver if your looking at a webpage that is seemingly endless.


Hope it helps some people!