Eerie iPod disappearance!



Anyone round here notice anything a little…fishy going on lately? Specifically, fishiness emanating from the Apple store?


Well if you haven’t, here’s what’s going on:


The cheapest iPod, the iPod Shuffle, has mysteriously begun to disappear from Apple retail shelves and Apple online…shelves. If you try to buy one now, you might be fresh out of luck.


Apple has actually warned it’s retail employees that stock for the iPod shuffle will be short for an ‘unspecified’ amount of time, and to direct customers towards the online store. Where you might be lucky, but the item won’t ship for an unusually long amount of time – 7-10 business days.


So. Is this supply shortage because of a supply shortage in parts up the production line? Or is it a more ominous clue pointing towards the untimely demise of the iPod Shuffle?



So what will be the fate of the beloved $49 iPod Shuffle? Nobody knows! Well, some people at Apple probably know.





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