Fact of the day
According to a recent United Nations report, more people have mobile telephones than have access to a flushing toilet.
Six of the world’s seven billion people have mobile phones – but only 4.5 billion have a toilet, according to the report.
Unfortunately there are huge health consequences to not having access to basic sanitation such as a flush toilet, but there is also huge infrastructure and costs associated with such systems which people tend to rely on the government to provide – and that isn’t possible in some countries around the world currently.
The UN understands the gravity of such a huge problem and have launched a global campaign to improve sanitation for the 2.5 billion people whose health is at risk.
Go here to read more and find out how you can help! And if you’re reading this on your smartphone whilst engaging in some rad flush – toilet action, pat yourself on the back, you’re one of the really lucky ones.