Posts tagged: How To

Tip of the day! Screenshots edition




So this is an oldy but such an important goody!! We’re talking SCREENSHOTS PEOPLE!!


So much of our lives are lived on our computers and devices these days (which we are all for, btw, as long as it’s not on the Kim Kardashian App…) and sometimes it’s just NECESSARY WITH CAPITALIZATION to show someone what’s going on in your deviceland. And maybe it’s just us here at iPhone Antidote, but sometimes it’s stupidly hard to remember how to take a screenshot, so here’s what you do:


For your iPad/iPhone: Press the top right hand power button at the same time as the Home button which is in the middle at the bottom of the phone. BAM MAGIC PHOTO SAVED RIGHT INTO YOUR PHOTOS APP


For your Mac: Press and hold the Command button,  the Shift button and the number three button all at the same time. BAM YOUR WHOLE SCREEN IS FROZEN IN TIME AND ACCESSIBLE ON YOUR DESKTOP AS A FILE


For your PC: If you’re using  Microsoft Windows XP,  click the window you want to capture. Press and hold down the Alt key and  the Print Screen key at the same time. BAM YOU”VE GOT A SCREENSHOT ON YOUR PC BUT WHY ARE YOU USING A PC AGAIN?


For your iWatch: Oh wait, that doesn’t exist yet, our bad. Don’t tell anyone we know stuff from the future k? K.






Command Key by Walt Stoneburner is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

iPhone Tip Of The Day!





A nice easy tip for you guys on this lovely Saturday afternoon!  Taking a screenshot of anything on your iPhone or iPad screen can come in handy in a strangely large amount of situations – and can be used for good and evil! ( Our favorite type of tool!)


Simply press the home button at the same time as the sleep/wake button and you can take a picture of whatever is on your screen. The picture will then be saved in the photos app and can be uploaded to social media or sent over email or text!


Just promise you won’t use this information for tooo much evil!




Image courtesy of

Battery Saving iPhone Tips Of The Day!



Happy Sunday Guys! Hope you’re having an awesome day filled with endless mimosa’s, friends and laughter!




Whatcha going to do when your iPhone dies? And you’re stuck full of mimosa’s and you can’t figure out how to get where you need to be!? Huh? huh Mr & Mrs Mimosa? Because…



We got you! If you’re worried about the battery on your beloved iPhone running out, there’s a couple of things you can do. Hoorah!



1. Are you in a cave? No? Turn your brightness down!  Settings> Wallpapers & Brightness ( Or Brightness & Wallpapers on pre-iOS 7).


2. At a concert? No? Turn your volume down! (uh… we hope we don’t really need to say this, but it’s the buttons on the side.)


2.  Sometimes you just don’t need to be sending diagnostics to Apple, you know? This eats up your battery life, so turn it off!  Settings -> General -> About -> scroll to the bottom of the screen.Click on Diagnostics & Usage and switch it to ‘Don’t send’.


3. Turn things off. Like Bluetooth. What, are you playing music through a wireless speaker while drinking mimosa’s? Well, that sounds pretty awesome actually. But if you need to save battery, turn it off!


We figure Unless you’re in a foreign country and relying on Wifi – turn that mother off! Settings> Wifi> switch to off.


If you’re down to urgent battery levels you can even turn your phone on Airplane mode until you need to use it, saves a boatload of battery!


4. Close out all of your Apps. in iOS 6 and below, double click the home button, press an App until it wiggles, then touch the red circles until it disapears. On iOS 7, double click the home button then swipe each image of an App that appears upwards until it disappears.


We hope these tips will help you out some, and we’ll be letting you know some more long term battery saving tips and tricks in the next week!


High five!




Images courtesy of,,, &

How to Back up your old stinky iPhone and/or transfer data to shiny new iPhone!



If you’re selling or giving away your iPhone, you’ll be wanting to back up all that lovely data you’ve accrued on the device beforehand. It’s a pretty simple procedure, but a very important step.



This is the Apple support page on how to back up your data using iTunes and iCloud. And here is the Apple support page on transferring your data from one device to another, ( i.e, stinky->shiny).


It’s a very comprehensive and easy to follow guide direct from the sauce! But, as with everything technology– there is always the potential for problems, so if you stumble upon something that doesn’t make sense, or your backup JUST ISNT GODDAMN WORKING, let us know! We’d love to try and help!