Posts tagged: infographic

State by State Comparison of Broken iPhones

Here we go again.  We have gathered all of our iPhone buyback data (from the best way to sell your iphone, obviously), and we have created a heat map breakdown.


This map shows the percentage of broken iPhones that were sold using our buyback service.  Red states show that we purchased a higher percentage of broken iPhones from that state.  Green areas show that we purchased a higher percentage of used iPhones from that state.


State by State Broken iPhone Buyback Comparison


Hopefully your state isn’t one of the dark red ones (sorry West Virginia and Kansas).  The data tends to show that our customers that are tend to be in the country (Kansas, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho) tend to break their iPhones more often.  While the Southern states tend to be quite good at taking care of their iPhones (as they tend to mostly sell their used iPhones instead of broken ones).


So maybe if your like us, and you happen to have broken your iPhone once or twice (or maybe more), then you should consider moving down to the South.  Otherwise, well, maybe its easier just to use our buyback service to sell your iPhone (don’t worry, we still pay a ton even if your iPhone is broken!)



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What do people think about your city? (Map Infographic)

Well, what do people think about your city? We were a bit surprised when we checked out some of the results. (Fargo is good? Bozeman, Montana is expensive?!)


So just to be clear, we went through and used Google to search up each city, and we used the phrase “Why is (City Name) So …”


This prompted Google’s Autocomplete engine (you know, the one that pops up the sometimes-silly recommendations for you when you are searching). When the autocomplete recommendations came up, we wrote them down, and the result is here!


The Most Common Google Searches for Each City

The Most Common Google Searches for Each City



After taking in all the data, well, it looks a little sad for most places.  That being said, there was some interesting data:


Four cities were “Great”:

New York City, Denver, Boston, and Nashville


Four cities were “Boring”:

Charlotte, Louisville, Dallas-Forth Worth, and San Jose


And a few others had some pretty interesting ones:

Seattle is Loud

Portland is Weird

Chicago is Windy (Duh..)

and Atlanta is Gay


Sorry if we offended your city, but well, Google said so..


Hopefully you don’t live in one of the “Bad” cities:

Cleveland, Baltimore, Jacksonville, or Memphis


But then again, who trusts Google anyways?

*Black Rock City entry may include artistic liberties.


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Who Breaks iPhones the Most? (Broken iPhone Infographic)

Well, the results are in.  Since we are an iPhone buyback company (in case you were interested in getting an offer for your iPhone click here), we have decided to compile our latest purchases to make a map of where the majority of broken iPhone trade-ins come from.


We tallied up all of our transactions, and created a heat map that shows where the majority of our customers have had broken iPhones.  The red areas on the map show a high amount of broken iPhone trade-ins for the area, while the green areas show a high amount of used iPhone trade-ins (meaning they did not break their iPhones).


Heat Map of Broken iPhone Sales


Hopefully your city wasn’t one of the bright red ones (sorry LA and New York).  The data tends to show that our customers that are in larger cities (San Francisco, Chicago, New York, etc.) tend to break their iPhones more often.


So if you really care about your iPhone, well, move out of the city.  Or maybe just get a good case.  Or heck, just go ahead and break it, but make sure to sell it to an iPhone buyback company like ours if you do!






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