State by State Comparison of Broken iPhones

Here we go again.  We have gathered all of our iPhone buyback data (from the best way to sell your iphone, obviously), and we have created a heat map breakdown.


This map shows the percentage of broken iPhones that were sold using our buyback service.  Red states show that we purchased a higher percentage of broken iPhones from that state.  Green areas show that we purchased a higher percentage of used iPhones from that state.


State by State Broken iPhone Buyback Comparison


Hopefully your state isn’t one of the dark red ones (sorry West Virginia and Kansas).  The data tends to show that our customers that are tend to be in the country (Kansas, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho) tend to break their iPhones more often.  While the Southern states tend to be quite good at taking care of their iPhones (as they tend to mostly sell their used iPhones instead of broken ones).


So maybe if your like us, and you happen to have broken your iPhone once or twice (or maybe more), then you should consider moving down to the South.  Otherwise, well, maybe its easier just to use our buyback service to sell your iPhone (don’t worry, we still pay a ton even if your iPhone is broken!)



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