Did you get a Hoverboard for Christmas? Read this!

Are you one of the many many people who got a hoverboard for Christmas? Are you psyched? Well, slow down their future, ‘cos the government has some words for you before you go zip zapping around there.


Specifically – California and New York City governments, but there will probably be others that follow their lead.


So, you guys know about Hoverboards, right? They don’t hover, they have two wheels, kind of look like a Segway without most of the Segway? Well, they’re illegal in new York City now. Sorry NYC kids. The kind of good news for you guys is that it’s still legal in other parts of New York City…


In California however, the new year has bought about no such strict bans, but a couple of restrictions that you should know about if you live in the golden state.


As of Jan 1st 2016,  if you’re riding a hoverboard on public roadways you have to stick to roads with speed limits of 35 miles per hour or less, wear a helmet, stay in the bike lane and not to go faster than 15 miles per hour.And… no one under 16 may use the boards on public roadways.


If you do these things, you’re facing a fine of up to $250.


From the Sauce, Chris Cochran from the California office of Traffic Safety:


“They have to be not looking out for themselves, but also looking out for cars that are out there, and they have to look out for pedestrians.”


Apart from the state laws, you’ll also have to look out for local laws. For instance, no Hoverboarding on the sidewalks in San Francisco.


If you’re considering buying one, keep these rules (and the more that will surely come) in the back of your head, and also? Make sure you don’t get one of those exploding ones. Those ones suck. Check that the batteries are made within the American standard.


And finally, Enjoy your non-hovering hoverboard!




Tech of the day!

Introducing the The Movi.






What is the Movi? It’s the future, fool! But it’s right now! BAM! It’s also a cute little 4K video camera that lets you edit as you broadcast. You read that right.


It’s super rad. It comes with a Movi app which, when linked up  with the camera, gives you nine different shots to choose from, all of which have motion and faces detected and are at various degrees of zoom.


You can change the shots using the normal iPhone jazz- pinch to zoom, drag to pan, and tap to cut to another shot. Then, when you’ve got what you want, save the video to your phone or an included 16GB microSD card. You can also broadcast live like the baller you are.


Now, to be upfront, the 4k is actually 4k however the actual video it records is 720p because all of the rest of the resolution is used dealing with the realtime, you also can’t attach a mic, and there’s a $9 per month subscription fee for the live streaming feature.

It’s pretty rad. Come April, you can buy it for $399, but you can pre-order one right now from Movi’s website for just $200.