Another iPhone 7 rumor!

That’s right, kids, another year, another iPhone. This one should be an exciting new iPhone year though! It’s a no ‘s’ iPhone year! If we’re going on what has happened in the past, Apple updates their iPhones pretty incrementally in the S years, saving the bigger updates and changes for the other years. This is one of those years.


Welcome to iPhone 7 year. We think. Probably. Right? Right.


So we’ll start right off the bat with a nice little iPhone 7 rumor. Judging from the past, we’ll be seeing this bad boy in the Fall, and according to the rumor mill, it will be completely waterproof.


Cue gasps.


Now, these waterproof rumors have been around for years, predominantly because, well, smartphones are one of the most important physical things in a lot of people’s lives, and they’re not waterproof. Or beerproof. Or any liquidproof. And humans drop these important things specifically in liquid all the time.* 


There’s no real facts behind this rumor, but hey, who’s going to let that stop anyone? WATERPROOF IPHONE 7! YAYY!


* Have you dropped your iPhone in liquid? We want it please!!!! Head on over to and grab a quote to see how much $money$ we’ll pay you for that stinky wet iPhone!