Perfect Valentines Day iPhone Accessories & Apps!



Happy Valentines day! Here we have loads of lovey dovery, sweet fun & funky Apps and iDevice accessories especially for the day that celebrates love and all of it’s weird and small relations.


1. You can’t go past custom made iPhone cases on handicraft E-commerce site Etsy! Just look at these, you’ll either go ‘awwww’ or throw up. Like this one: 





2. Also on Etsy, romantic iPhone case designs that spread across both your and your partners iPhones. Awwwblurhg





3. Be Mine ($0.99) or Be Mine Lite (Free). An App for making Valentines day cards complete with the ability to use your own text, images and photos overlaid into one spectacular card that saved and exported. We made this one, because we’re pretty specially talented.






4. Nordstoms have a bunch of Love themed iPhone cases that are pretty radical.  $14.99




5. Valentine Radio. An App that lets you hear all the sweet dulcet tones of love songs from radio stations streaming live to your iDevice from all over the world. Free!





6. Foodie Recipes. Free App that has awesome recipe’s for two for that romantic valentines meal you’re cooking together/for each other. Homemade Ravioli, Croque Monsiur & Avocado Dark Chocolate Madeleines? Heck Yes I love you!!!





7. Cyclops iPad cover dude! Microfibre Arms! Makes your love one’s iPad cuddly and cute for when you’re not around to be cuddly and cute! Get it for $25 at



8. True Love – Cute Snail Cartoon Travelling Speaker from Zazzle – $22.95



9. Pink hearts pattern sleeves for iPads – A little bit expensive at $48.95, but what wouldn’t you pay to make your true love happy? Huh? HUH?





10. For those a little bit web-savvy, why not create a surprise website for the one your heart desires? It’s kind of like naming a star for them, but on the internet and in the future. No stars in the future! has cheap domains for sale, like the following, which we may or may not own now:






11. For some, Valentines day is commercial and stupid. On Etsy, get something like this to tell them how you really feel:






12. And finally, if things are looking a little craptacious this year and you want a better valentines day date next year- Try out  Ok Cupid and Tinder. Eiffel tower with champagne and pearls / Monaco with poker and steak here you come!





If you’re going all out and getting him or her what they really really want (apart from the above, obviously) – an iDevice – check here to see when you need to order it online from Apple so it makes it to your place before the big V day!


( And then tell them that you know the perfect people to sell their stinky old iDevice to.. uh, Sell your iPhone with iPhone Antidote!  Cos then they can use that money to buy YOU something awesome because of the awesome gift you got them for Valentines Day! And because they love you. Yay!)


Also! VALENTINES DEAL OF THE DAY! The good old melting hearts over at are giving everyone 14% off everything in the iMore store! Here’s the link, simply use coupon code VDAY13 at checkout!



Last but not least, Happy Valentines Day Guys. We… well, it’s hard to say this but.. we really, really, um, like you.







Images courtesy of,, Nordstroms,, Quickmeme,, Zazzle, Etsy, Viator &

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