Did you know that Skype free video calling is 10 years old? But… but how can the future be so old? Weren’t we just dreaming about video phone calls? Weren’t we just watching a Jetsons epsiode about that? Are we that old?
Yes. Yes we are. But there’s good news too! To celebrate the 10 year anniversary of said video calling, Skype has announced that they are bringing group video calling capabilities to mobile devices!! For free! WHAT.
Yump, coming soon to an iPhone near you – all your friends faces!! Who’s up for a group Skype to celebrate? Wherever you are, go to the fanciest place you know and let’s internet party! Long Distance Party Time! (LDPT for short, obviously).
We’ll have to pick a time and date in a little bit, because Skype is rolling out the feature over the next couple of weeks. If you want early access (you do) you can register here with your email address and Skype user name.
Hands up who uses Skype? Defiantly and definitely one of the very best of the video calling software services, Skype has just announced a line up of new updates for both its iOS and Android Apps.
Update now to version 6.0 and you can expect a new more intuitive design, enhanced search, and features such as swipe gestures and sharing a host of media whilst on a call. It’s a nice update. But Skype, we love you, but seriously get your group-video-calling-for-iOS-butts into gear already!!
Good news iOS folk! Last month, Skype began offering a group video calling feature to Windows Tablets! Them first!? Unfairses! Well, not really, because Skype is owned by Microsoft…
Up to 10 people can get in on this free group calling, which is great, obviously, for families, friends who are on different continents, long distance group relationships, etc. Get a stand for the tablet and it becomes room calling, except there’s 10 different rooms in your room. Did anyone say party?
Anyways. Skype has just announced that the group video calling feature will be coming to ALL mobile platforms, for FREE, in the next to near future. Which means iOS most likely, although it was not specified. Also not specified was the date, although people (who say that they’re) in the know say that this will happen before the year is out.
The long beloved video calling company Skype has now made itself even more lovable by making it’s group video calling feature FREE for users on Windows desktop, Mac and the Xbox one- with the promise of support for additional devices coming soon.
Straight from the sauce:
“Skype is proud that, since our beginning, we’ve created opportunities for people to communicate freely and easily, no matter where they are; from keeping in touch with remote family members or calling home when traveling to chatting daily with your close circles of friends. While Skype is known for one to one video calling, we know it’s also essential to connect with the groups of people who matter most, whether friends, family or colleagues. For the last few years, we’ve offered group video calling to Premium users on Windows desktop and Mac and more recently Xbox One. Today, we’re excited to announce that we’re making group video calling free – for all users on these platforms. And, in the future, we’ll be enabling group video calling for all our users across more platforms – at no cost.”
How sweet is that!
We love free things! Especially free things that makes it so we can see all of our lovely friends/colleagues in one place even though they may be in, like, 5 places! The world’s a changin!
If you don’t haveSkype yet, all you needs to do is hop on over to their website and download it! It’s free! ( You’ll also need a webcam, a microphone & OS X Snow Leopard or above for Macs. )