New iPhone to Be Released September 21st!

It is official.  The iPhone 5 has been announced for release on September 21st!  Apple will begin taking preorders for the device come this Friday.  Many of the specs are as we had reported before.  It looks like the primary differences that set this iPhone 5 apart from the last iPhone 4S is that it has a taller body and screen, measuring 4″ rather than 3.5″ previously and it is a surprising 20% thinner.


The device will have the same width, and appear quite similar from the front.  The headphone port has been moved to the base of the device, and surprisingly enough, the iPhone 5 will feature a new dock connector.  The back of the iPhone 5 will be based primarily in aluminum and will be quite interesting to see in person.  In addition, there will be a new processor, as well as several other increases in its computing power.  It will be available for the standard iPhone pricing, starting at $199.99 for a 16gb iPhone 5.


Back of iPhone 5