Tech of the week! Check out Charitweet!







Right now at iPhone Antidote, we’re all about creating good in the world, and here is a great way to contribute to that.


Charitweet is a fantastic way to empower your social network as a force for good in the world, providing you with a simple way to give to your favorite charities, whilst encouraging others in your social network to do the same.


The Boston based company is making it possible to give 100% of your donation to your chosen charity through Twitter.


Skip the middlemen, give in 140 characters, spread the word, and you’re done. Giving is good. Simple giving, where 100% of the donation goes to the charity is great.


All you need to do is tweet, making sure you include the following :




For example: “I’m donating $10 to @helpkids with @chrtwt!”


After your first Charitweet, you’ll receive a notification on your Twitter account. You’ll complete a billing form (asking only necessary information that will remain completely confidential). After that first tweet, you’ll never have to do more than tweet to donate again!


Here’s a list of the Charities that Charitweet are partnered with currently. You can also contact them to request that another Charity you might have affiliation with could partner with Charitweet in the future.


The only caveat is that in order to donate, your Twitter account can’t be private in order to process your donation, but that is something the company is working on getting around.


If you’re looking for a way to give in 2015, do yourself a favor and check out Charitweet. Spread the word!